Saturday, April 27, 2024

Gina's Saucers (part 2 to the post below)

I was just talking about Gina (in the post below), and she's still at it. This is from an hour ago. I think she's gone live at least half a dozen times so far today. This time she was checking out images from SOHO or one of the other satellites that observe the Sun, and she found a "fleet of UFOs." Here we go again.

 A more probable explanation for these "spaceships" is that they're photons being ejected from the Sun during a solar flare or a CME, being recorded as streaks of light. That makes sense, since photons are particles of light, but to Gina, they're UAPs, formerly known as UFOs. 

Here she isolates a few, next to the rest of the "fleet." I realize that all UFOs, which I'm still going to call them, don't necessarily have to have the classic saucer shape like in Plan 9 from Outer Space, but I doubt I'd pick these out of a lineup as UFOs. 

 If this was actually a fleet of UFOs, lots of people would be talking about it, if not freaking out. Judging by the width (not the length) of these streaks, the objects would have to be larger than the Earth, and would almost certainly be visible to the naked eye. 

 You could talk about cloaking, but then why would they be visible in all the different images? The different images show the Sun, and anything else nearby, in various wavelengths of light, including the visible spectrum. If they were cloaked, they shouldn't be visible to the naked eye or satellites.

 Other YouTubers besides Gina monitor these satellite images, including myself, and plenty of people have seen this many times over the past several years. If they thought it was a fleet of ships they'd definitely mention it. They leave most of the "fleet of UFOs" and "plasma beings" stuff for Gina to report on. Truther channels are aware of each other, and I'm sure a few people have gotten a chuckle out of this, but out of respect they don't say anything. And as I said in the last post, we can't say with absolute certainty that these aren't UFOs, even if we don't believe it for a second.

 If this is a fleet of Saucers, why don't they try to contact us? Are they just passin' through, perhaps on their way to an intergalactic Rock festival or something? Are they panning an invasion? There's more than enough of them that they could fly in formation and spell out: "TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER." That'd be badass. 

 The thing is, there's real phenomena to report on, such as this image from 2023 of a spherical object at the 9:30 position to the Sun. There's no question that it's an actual object, seeing as how both the Sun, in a CME, and the computer program are reacting to it. That's a true anomaly, and not wild speculation about energy beings and fleets of Saucers. 

 Gina reports on this stuff too. Surely she understands the difference between this image of an obvious sphere that everything is reacting to, as opposed to a bunch of squiggly streaks. As far as the "fleet of UFOs" image is concerned, you can say "That's a fleet of UFOs," and speculate on this or that and why they're here and what are their plans and all, but it's all pure speculation, and some would say pure fantasy. The bottom image though is damn interesting, and legit, and really worth digging into. There's still speculation, but there's concrete stuff to work off of. 

 I don't see why she wouldn't stick to the more definitive stuff like the image of the sphere, which most people would at least be willing to consider, instead of trying to get people to see things that probably aren't there, and that most people would never believe. Maybe she just can't help it. 

 The mystery continues, and we may never know if Gina is sincere and has a knack for storytelling but just naive as fuck, or if she's a psyop. Either way it's crazy, and either way she's a trip. I don't mean to sound like I'm trashing her, and besides the energy beings and fleets of UFOs, we're on the same page about a lot of things, and I'd have coffee and conversation with her any time. No matter what the real story is, she's an interesting person, and I love a mystery. Keep on dancin' the night away, Gina! The Universe needs your frequencies. 


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