Wednesday, April 10, 2024

I Wonder Why It was Cloudy Along the Path of Totality...

Although there was a storm system that for a time pretty much exactly followed the path of totality of the eclipse, lots of people reported "hazy" skies but not storms. After I saw the video last night I know why. Several of my info guys said there would be spraying, and that it'd be heavy. They were correct. 

 Thise crosshatch marks are exhaust from planes. Call it whatever you want...contrails, chemtrails, exhaust trails or whatever...there they are. This is concentrated, purposeful and very precise spraying. It starts and stops at exact points. It's a mission. My main info guy says the spraying is controlled by AI, and that makes sense...everything else is. 

 I really want to post this on fb just to see of anyone says anything, but it'd probably be mostly people saying it's clouds, or maybe a glitch or, it's exhaust trails. We can deny it if we want, but there it is...right in front of our faces. We don't want it to be true, but it is. How we handle the truth is up to us. 

 If you're willing to accept what your two good eyes and your brain are telling you, then two things should happen. First, you might want to rethink your ideas about "Conspiracy Theorists" and start listening to what we say, and two, you should be unhappy about being lied to...very unhappy. We've been trying to tell everybody that we're all being lied to. If people see this, maybe they'll rethink things.

 It's tough...believe me, I know. You can't wake up overnight, and have to change your core beliefs, but the sooner the better. Uncertainty causes fear, but knowledge erases uncertainty. Knowledge is power, man. We're all in this together. We should be against the bad guys instead of each other. If you just open your eyes, get over your pride about being lied to and realize that a hell of a lot of people who are smarter than you and I have also been fooled, and start digging into this stuff with a truly open mind, you'll uncover things that the wildest Science (SCIENCE) Fiction movie couldn't come up with, and that I can guarantee.

 I realize that a huge obstacle to waking up is not wanting to be ridiculed and ostracized by our peers, family and colleagues, but if we all wake up, nobody will stand out. I get it, but again, we're all on the same team, and that doesn't include the bad guys. Don't forget...they're outnumbered 99 to 1, and they know it. The problem is, most of us don't know that. Still think this is all conspiracies? I hope and pray not.

 It's unclear whether they were trying to obscure the eclipse or influence the storm system or both, but lots of people couldn't see it. They often spray ahead of storms, but it's rare to see it this intense and concentrated. And if you don't think weather modification is real, you have some serious catching-up to do, because they admitted it years ago. They used it for the Chinese Olympics some years back. Look it up. 

 We know that water vapor in the atmosphere is attracted to particles in the air, and can coalesce into raindrops and hail and such. It's a simple matter to spray ahead of a storm, and they do it all the time. For the record there are several ways to either increase or decrease the intensity of storms. They've been trying to make it rain since before airplanes even, when they shot cannon shells into the atmosphere that released silver nitrate and such, and sometimes they were actually successful in making it rain.

 When I was in elementary school, on movie days they'd show newsreels, and several times they showed prop planes outfitted with spray nozzles that were spraying siler iodide among other things. They were proud of it, and it's been going on for many years. yet they still deny it to this day. The truth is coming out though, and NO ONE can go against the truth. No one can deny this satellite image either. 

 I saw an article the other day that I forgot to bookmark, but I found a similar article from 2020. It talks about how they're "considering" reflecting radiation back into space. How do they propose to do that? By spraying aerosols of course. Here's another tip...when they say they're "considering" something, they're already doing it, and you can take that to the bank. The article is HERE

 Interestingly, Tennessee just introduced a bill that would prevent the spraying of chemicals overhead, in other words, chemtrails. What's nuts is that all these articles are coming out calling it the result of "Conspiracy Theorists," which is just ludicrous. Tennessee ain't LA, but are we supposed to believe that they've introduced a bill, for the first time in our nation's history, out of sheer paranoia and "conspiracy theories?" Come on. 

 If you've been unsure that aerosols are real, here's all the proof you need. Wake up. We need you. The kids need you. Really. 


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