Sunday, April 28, 2024

Quote of the Day

"Ah, piss-off with your 'mental 'ealth.' I've got mental 'ealth issues, but I don't nonce children. Do NOT play that card with me!" - a "predator-poacher" from the UK, confronting Lee Clover (seen here), who was trying to meet with a 13yo girl, and blaming it on "disabilities"

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Gina's Saucers (part 2 to the post below)

I was just talking about Gina (in the post below), and she's still at it. This is from an hour ago. I think she's gone live at least half a dozen times so far today. This time she was checking out images from SOHO or one of the other satellites that observe the Sun, and she found a "fleet of UFOs." Here we go again.

 A more probable explanation for these "spaceships" is that they're photons being ejected from the Sun during a solar flare or a CME, being recorded as streaks of light. That makes sense, since photons are particles of light, but to Gina, they're UAPs, formerly known as UFOs. 

Here she isolates a few, next to the rest of the "fleet." I realize that all UFOs, which I'm still going to call them, don't necessarily have to have the classic saucer shape like in Plan 9 from Outer Space, but I doubt I'd pick these out of a lineup as UFOs. 

 If this was actually a fleet of UFOs, lots of people would be talking about it, if not freaking out. Judging by the width (not the length) of these streaks, the objects would have to be larger than the Earth, and would almost certainly be visible to the naked eye. 

 You could talk about cloaking, but then why would they be visible in all the different images? The different images show the Sun, and anything else nearby, in various wavelengths of light, including the visible spectrum. If they were cloaked, they shouldn't be visible to the naked eye or satellites.

 Other YouTubers besides Gina monitor these satellite images, including myself, and plenty of people have seen this many times over the past several years. If they thought it was a fleet of ships they'd definitely mention it. They leave most of the "fleet of UFOs" and "plasma beings" stuff for Gina to report on. Truther channels are aware of each other, and I'm sure a few people have gotten a chuckle out of this, but out of respect they don't say anything. And as I said in the last post, we can't say with absolute certainty that these aren't UFOs, even if we don't believe it for a second.

 If this is a fleet of Saucers, why don't they try to contact us? Are they just passin' through, perhaps on their way to an intergalactic Rock festival or something? Are they panning an invasion? There's more than enough of them that they could fly in formation and spell out: "TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER." That'd be badass. 

 The thing is, there's real phenomena to report on, such as this image from 2023 of a spherical object at the 9:30 position to the Sun. There's no question that it's an actual object, seeing as how both the Sun, in a CME, and the computer program are reacting to it. That's a true anomaly, and not wild speculation about energy beings and fleets of Saucers. 

 Gina reports on this stuff too. Surely she understands the difference between this image of an obvious sphere that everything is reacting to, as opposed to a bunch of squiggly streaks. As far as the "fleet of UFOs" image is concerned, you can say "That's a fleet of UFOs," and speculate on this or that and why they're here and what are their plans and all, but it's all pure speculation, and some would say pure fantasy. The bottom image though is damn interesting, and legit, and really worth digging into. There's still speculation, but there's concrete stuff to work off of. 

 I don't see why she wouldn't stick to the more definitive stuff like the image of the sphere, which most people would at least be willing to consider, instead of trying to get people to see things that probably aren't there, and that most people would never believe. Maybe she just can't help it. 

 The mystery continues, and we may never know if Gina is sincere and has a knack for storytelling but just naive as fuck, or if she's a psyop. Either way it's crazy, and either way she's a trip. I don't mean to sound like I'm trashing her, and besides the energy beings and fleets of UFOs, we're on the same page about a lot of things, and I'd have coffee and conversation with her any time. No matter what the real story is, she's an interesting person, and I love a mystery. Keep on dancin' the night away, Gina! The Universe needs your frequencies. 


Quote of the Day

"If a man loses his wits and gives in to panic, chances are he could get himself killed." - Marshall Dillon

The WTF Files: Gina Honey

I started a post about this a while back, but according to a blog search I didn't publish it. This woman trips me out so much that I don't even know where to begin. Her name is Gina. She's a YouTuber and a member of the "Truth Community." She has over 150K subs, which is getting into respectable territory. I've been subbed to her for nearly a decade, and I still don't know what her story is. 

 She's the most prolific YouTuber I've ever seen. She mostly goes live rather than posting videos, and she usually goes on 3-4 times a day and sometimes more, if an "anomaly" pops up. She's live right now in fact, talking about "taking back life essence." Going live is a lot easier and quicker than making videos, and people like her like to chat live with their subscribers.

 "Life essence" and other things she talks about may sound like Woo-Woo but they're absolutely legit, and that's the general problem I have with her...she comes out with great information most of the time, but not always. I got into her because she's into a lot of stuff I'm, space weather, space in general, satellite images of the Sun, frequencies and tons of other things. As a Truther she's also a "Conspiracy Theorist," and she believes in God; both of which instantly label her a wackadoodle in most people's book.

 I don't have a problem with that because I share those views. When she's not going live on YouTube, in addition to apparently being married, a homemaker and cat lover, she spends much of her time looking at things like webcams, satellite images and such, and again she comes out with lots of great information and very compelling images and videos of various phenomena, that people can see for themselves on these sites, but then she comes along with stuff like this.

 Several times a week she'll go live because she's found something unusual, to her anyway, on some webcam...things like spider webs, snow, ice, bird droppings or mainly, as in this case, raindrops, but instead of calling them raindrops or whatever, she calls them "intelligent, interdimensional plasma beings" or some shit like that. I cut her all the slack in the world but it runs out on this stuff. 

 What does it say in the lower-right box in this image...rain? Yes, it says "rain." Those are raindrops if you ask me. Not Gina...she gets really excited, giddy in fact, about her "plasma webs." I love her individuality, but I doubt 1 in 1,000 people would call things like this "plasma beings" rather than what they are...raindrops. What's nuts is that I'm not sure if she actually believes what she's saying, or if she's a "plant," basically a paid troll put here to discredit Truthers. That happens every day. It's called "controlled opposition" and it's a real thing. 

 I've probably seen about 300 of her videos and livestreams, and she's certainly no dummy. I want to say, judging by her reactions and commentary, that she actually believes what she's saying, as crazy as that is. It's quite entertaining to watch, although she gets quite a bit obnoxious, saying things like, "LOOOOOOK, YOU ALL!" and "OH, WOOOOOOOOW!" a million times. 

 She gives her plasma beings different personalities, and creates a story as new raindrops land on the lens and change the image. She narrates the action in real time like a commentator. She even comes up with possible motives on why her plasma beings do this and that. It's amazing.

 A new drop will fall and make the reflections move and warp, and she'll get very excited. A new drop will appear, and she'll say shit like, "LOOOOK! A new entity just materialized from another dimension! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!" When she's moving her cursor or whatever, she'll narrate to herself in the third person, and she refers to herself as "Gina honey." 

 If she actually believes what she's saying, then bless her heart I guess. She's not hurting anyone, so I say let her have her fun. What's interesting is reading the comments from her loyal followers, and seeing how some of them sort of play along and coddle her. A few people seem to actually believe her, but many of them dance around the topic and talk about other stuff.

 A few brave souls will comment: "Those are raindrops." Her livestreams get between 100-200 people watching live. That's a good amount but not too many that she can't read the comments. To her credit she's very respectful of others' opinions, as we all should be, but she'll say, "NOOOOOOOOOOOO, those are PLASMA BEINGS!" Okay, Gina honey. 

 I also have to give her credit for the fact that when she shares another screen, she makes the image of herself tiny and out of the way, as you can see. I think you can tell a lot about a YouTuber's ego and personality by how they use picture-in-picture. Some are unobtrusive like Gina, but some will show the other screen, which is supposed to be the most important thing, on a playing-card-sized area, while 85% of the main screen is taken up by their face, mostly just sitting there watching the video, only they get to see it full-screen. People do want to see your face when you go live and are showing another screen, but your face shouldn't be the main feature until the other video is over. Kudos, Gina.

 She's very personable and friendly, and her "down home" vibe is so strong that I wonder if maybe she overplays it, but it could be genuine. I think she may have mentioned having a glass of wine here or there but I'm not sure. The thing is, although she never appears to be intoxicated in any way, I can't help but wonder if she's on some meds that occasionally make her trip-out, or maybe even dabbles in substances, but I kinda doubt it. It's possible she could be a functioning alcoholic but I doubt that too, since she never slurs her words, even a little. Going on assumption, I'd have to say that she really believes her rap. Her unbridled enthusiasm would certainly indicate that. 

 As much as I do like her and respect her for her legit research and all, I usually can't watch more than a couple minutes before I have to leave. I always have to unplug my Bullshitometer when I watch one of her "plasma being" vids; otherwise it might blow a fuse. Last night though, I watched most of her "plasma web" video. I have to say that she was extra obnoxious, to the point where I actually wanted to make a comment like, "Seriously? Please state how you're helping this community" but I didn't. 

 About three minutes into last night's stream she grabbed a chocolate chip cookie, a crunchy one to be exact, and went to town on that bitch. She mentioned the fact that she loved crunchy cookies better than soft ones half a dozen times, until I was starting to get anxious. She illustrated this perfectly by chomping her cookie into the microphone for several brutal minutes. It was bizarre. She was crunching and munching into the mic, while going "MMMMMMMMMMMMMM! I LOVE crunchy cookies! This is SOOOOOOOO good! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!" It sounded like she was having an orgasm. I so wanted to say, "Are you KIDDING?" It was harsh. 

 I get that most people who might stumble on one of these vids might say she's out to lunch, but crunching a cookie at 110db into the mic is over the top, plus she was talking with her mouth full. Gina honey...manners, manners. Again some of her people coddled her by talking about how much they love chocolate chip cookies, and crunchy vs soft and all, but it had to bug them after a minute or two. One guy commented that she'd have to vacuum her keyboard, but most people just tolerated it. 

 As she was talking about how her plasma beings were replicating and reproducing, a new raindrop fell, and changed the image to this. It hit my funny bone and the timing was perfect. It was absolutely all I could do not to comment: "Right...I see how they reproduce...a plasma penis!" but I didn't. Ha-ha. 

 I can't help but wonder if she doesn't have a true perception of how others see her and her cookie chomping and stuff, which could indicate that she's a narcissist. Hopefully that isn't the case but it can't be ruled out. You'd think she'd grasp the fact that if she's truly trying to get her message across, knowing that most people don't take her seriously to begin with, she'd save the crunchy cookies for later. 

 I should go back and find this one vid and grab a screenshot, but it'd take too long. It was hilarious though. A spider had built a web over the lens of a webcam somewhere. It was coated in water droplets, reflecting light and out of focus, but you could clearly see the structure of a spider web. To her of course it was energy beings from another planet or whatever it was. How her followers could even play along with that is beyond me, but a few did. 

 A drop of water would hit it and it'd jiggle and distort for a second, which would send her into ecstasy. "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!" As we watched, the spider that built the web crawled into frame. It was hilarious given the circumstances, and I was sure she'd either come clean and admit she'd been lying, or genuinely realize she'd been wrong all along and apologize, but wasn't a spider; it was an intergalactic mutant vortex being, or some shit.

 I couldn't believe it. She didn't break character for a second. If she was just continuing the bullshit and improvising, she's brilliant, but I have to say that most people aren't that good. Her expression didn't change one bit. Maybe she's just plain dense...I don't know, and it's perplexing. You can't just declare this or that about her, no matter what your beliefs might be. 

 Maybe she's totally honest but radically naive, and she just has an overactive imagination. Her ability to imagine things is off the charts, and it's worth watching her vids just to hear her basically describe the personalities, lifestyles, mating habits and such of her plasma beings. She should look into writing Sci-Fi/Fantasy novels. And I have to practice what I preach, and say that while I don't think I'm seeing plasma beings instead of raindrops for a second, I can't debunk her with 100% certainty, and I support her right to believe what she wants. 

 If she's controlled opposition, where they bring up a controversial topic when they know that people are starting to talk about it, and then do everything they can to mock it, discredit it or deny it, you couldn't do any better than to get someone like Gina to say something controversial (that's actually true BTW, except for the plasma beings), and then have her loudly and rudely crunch a cookie into the microphone, talk with her mouth full, sound like she's having an orgasm, and then for good measure have her call raindrops "plasma beings." If that's the, they're good.

 Just when you think she's complex and befuddling enough, she'll toss another curveball. She has a series called "Dance with Me." Again that's legit, but it also adds to the mystery. Most of her videos that aren't live are of her dancing. Good for her to encourage her people to do something good for us physically and mentally, but it sure adds another quirky layer to the mystery. 

 She might not be my first choice in a woman but she wouldn't be my last, and I know some people get off on that enthusiastic, middle-aged woman who's still in good shape...glasses...big tits...interesting dance moves, and a look on her face that's an odd mixture of bliss, semi-goofiness, moderate hotness, occasional semiconsciousness and Stepford-wifeishness. You'd have to see her dance to get a feel for it.

 If she is a plant, she's a good one, and if so she's well-compensated. With 150K subs she might make a little money on YouTube, but not enough to live as well as she apparently does, from YouTube revenue alone. She never endorses any products, and she could if she wanted. Once someone reaches 100K subs and even less sometimes, companies will start reaching out to them, wanting them to endorse their products. She never asks people to sub or smash the like button, and I give her credit for that. 

 Point being is that what she might make from YouTube alone couldn't sustain her lifestyle, that is what she shows us of it. She often walks around her house and property, and there's some money coming from somewhere. Her house has a log cabin feel, with a wraparound porch and all. It's nicely furnished, and certainly a place I could be happy living. She has a lot of property, with all sorts of nice structures, gardens, animal pens and such, with all sorts of critters. 

 Of course it could all be bullshit and she really lives in a trailer, but I doubt it. She could easily afford a place like hers on what the Powers that Be would pay her to promote the narrative that Truthers are delusional morons. That's what they do. Makes you wonder...and just like they say, you don't get flack unless you're over the target. Think about it.

 Hubby might have made some money, and certainly her too, although she never mentions work she's done, and I gather she probably has never had to work but I could be wrong. Hubs could be bogus too...he's never appeared in any videos that I've seen. Every now and then she'll address him and say something over her shoulder, but I've never seen or heard him. 

 He could very well be real and probably is. Maybe he's a retired investment banker, or cleaned up in the rel estate market or the dot-com boom or whatever. You'd think he'd pop his head in once in a while to say hello, but maybe he's shy or he doesn't agree with her views...who knows. It's all so trippy and surreal, and then at the same time it's somehow normal...certainly for her. 

I share many of her beliefs, except those regarding raindrops and spider webs. I appreciate that she's into satellite images and all that stuff I'm into also, and the fact that she understands frequencies and vibrations, because everything in the Universe is a frequency. I'm right there with her, but then here come the plasma beings. I don't get it. In any case, dance on, Gina honey. I wish I knew your story. 

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Homeless with Dog

We see all these touching photos of homeless people with their dogs, and I always check them out. Sometimes they park their dog on the corner of the blanket next to a sign saying "Please help me feed my dog," and then they spend the money on dope, but most of the time you can see the look of love on both the human's and the dog's faces, and you can't fake that. 

 In my book someone who loves animals can't be all bad, and of course being homeless doesn't automatically make someone a bad person, or a druggie or mentally ill or anything else. Let's face it...they're losers to some degree, as I am, or they wouldn't be homeless, but there is such a thing as being down on one's luck I guess. If someone loves animals, bums and billionaires alike, they're my people. 

 This could be me soon, only I'd never make my best friend homeless too, just because I'm a loser. Apparently, if I hadn't looked after my mom and dad for the last 16 years, I'd never, ever have gotten into another band, had a blast and made stupidly-good money, or do anything else I used to do for fun and profit, and I'd have been content to sit on my lazy ass without a penny in my pocket for 16 years. A few people actually think that's the case. Going by the bottom line though, I'm a big fat loser. 

 I won't be in any photos of a homeless guy and his dog...I'll be just plain homeless. My dog sure won't though, and I'm pretty sure a very good friend will take him. She has dogs of her own and a farm for good measure, so he can run around and socialize and have a better life than he has now. Having him at an apartment is one thing, but having him on the streets? Forget it. 

 My mom asked me if I couldn't just keep him on a leash instead of finding him a home but I told her I couldn't do that. She said that if we have to be separated on Earth, we'll be reunited in Heaven. I hope that's true. If there is a Heaven, one of us will be there for sure, and it's the one with four paws and a tail. Anyway, to all those who share the streets with their best buddies, no matter what their story is, for what it's worth I say God bless them AND their animals. God bless y'all. Maybe I'll see ya 'round.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Forgetting About Saving a Life

I've actually saved another life too, but amazingly that was a wretched situation when it should've been incredible, and that's another story. This story is one that surprisingly I'd completely forgotten, until a former colleague from the crazy restaurant posted on our Facebook page and reminded me of it.

 He (Les the Mess) said "Remember the night you saved that old man's life when he was choking? You did the Heimlich." At first I was like, "Huh?" but then I remembered. Dang, I wish I could remember half the shit I've forgotten. It seems like that'd be something I'd remember. I know I wasn't drinking...I just forgot. Too much shit from fashion I guess.

 It flashed back into my head. It was the typical scenario...guy starts choking, you grab him with two fists under the ribcage and pull inward and pops out of his throat. That's how it was. The family thanked me, and as far as I remember I didn't break any ribs. Bless his heart. 

 The guy was definitely choking and I did do the deal on him and so technically I did save his life, but anyone could've done it. I just happened to be closest. It was cool to see that it worked, and on the first try. I remember it so clearly now that I can't believe I'd forgotten it. Just another day at the office. Maybe I've been useful a time or two. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The Time I Predicted History

Actually this wasn't an earthshattering prediction at all, and I didn't need a crystal ball or anything. Any Frank Zappa fan who heard about this curious incident back in the day could've predicted the same thing. In fact it was almost a given that Frank would get a kick out of it and write a song about it. Still it was cool that it happened, and even for Frank, it's pretty extreme. 

 Frank always took great interest in quirky events of the day and institutions like organized religion and politics and would make songs about them. Let's just say his satire could be brutal. He's been gone for over a quarter-century but I still miss him, and every time something crazy happens I can't help but wonder what he'd say about it. 

 Back in high school in 1975 I read an article about some guy in Illinois named Michael Kenyon, who plead guilty to several armed robberies, mostly of coeds at a local college. What was unusual was that he tied a few of them down and gave them enemas. As wrong as that is on so many levels, the first thing that popped into my head was "Wait until Frank hears about this. There's a song imminent." I hate ANY abuse, but at least no one got seriously hurt, and the circumstances were extraordinary. 

 Sure enough, Frank turned it into a song within a couple of months and played it live that same year, and it debuted on vinyl a couple years later on the eagerly awaited Live in New York LP.  Back then it was a big deal when an album like that came out, and a bunch of us got together for a listening party. 

 We just about lost it when we saw that Frank had somehow gotten Don Pardo...the Don Pardo, to announce the tune. Seeing Don in a sequined cape...announcing in one of the most iconic voices in history, a song about a guy who randomly gave enemas to women was surreal. Apparently the incident hit Frank's funny bone in a big way, and only Don would do to announce it. That was Frank.

 As it turns out, Don was a big Zappa fan, and they became buddies. I don't know the story, but this warms my heart. I'll say RIP to Don and Frank, and I truly hope they are resting in peace. It was a pairing I'd never have guessed, and I'm glad it's on a record. 

 Don's incredible introduction aside, as is usual for Frank's music, the song itself is kickass. It's basically a slow, 6/8-time Blues/Shuffle thing, but like a lot of his music it has permutations and stuff, such as straight-against-swung, double-time and whatnot. If he'd written normal lyrics it could've been a mainstream hit, but especially among Zappa fans it was a hit because of the lyrics.

 As far as Mr. Kenyon is concerned, he was sentenced to 6-12 years but was paroled after six. What's interesting was that he was only prosecuted for the robberies. Giving enemas to random women wasn't covered under any laws, or as Don boomingly announced: "APPARENTLY THERE WAS NO LAW AGAINST THAT." Classic. We love you, Don!

 Nothing has been heard from Mr. Kenyon since his release that I know of, but according to Wiki he's still alive, and almost 80. As far as I know he was never interviewed and asked what he thought about Zappa writing a song about him that was heard all around the world. That'd be a score for Zappa fans. I'm tempted to try to look him up but I won't. Wiki says that other artists did songs about him too. Nice. What a thing to be famous for. 

 It didn't take a brain strain to predict that Zappa would take an interest in the subject and probably do a song about it. I know some of my friends like Champ, Steg and George from California, along with Zappa fans worldwide who heard about the story, predicted it too probably. You can listen to it HERE. It's pretty special. As the late, great Don Pardo announced, just before they launched into the song, "HIS NAME LIVES ON FOREVER-EVER-VER-R...MICHAEL-ICHAEL-CHAEL-AEL-EL-L KENYON-ENYON-YON-N...THE ILLINOIS-LINOIS-NOIS-OIS-IS-S...ENEMA-NEMA-MA BANDIT-ANDIT-IT-T." Amen to that, and thanks Don and Frank!



Monday, April 15, 2024

Ketchup Soup/The kind of Homeless Guy I Might Be

I think I told this story way back in my first blog, but I've been thinking about being homeless, and I remembered a guy I met years ago. This would've been the early 90s I think. Wendy's used to have a salad bar that was pretty good. I'd always get there right at 11 when they opened because they'd just put out everything fresh. I got an unsweet tea and loaded up my first plate of salad.

 There was a gentleman sitting at the table next to me and I nodded as I sat down. I might have thought he was Joe Average except for his jacket. It looked almost new but it screamed 80s and was about a decade out of date. If you're old enough to remember the 80s, you may remember those jackets that looked like they were made from plaid stadium blankets. I figured he'd gotten it at Goodwill, so he was most likely homeless. Besides that he didn't look homeless at all...he was clean-shaven, well-groomed and sober. 

 I noticed that he had a coffee cup but it looked like it had tomato soup in it. I didn't think soup was on the menu so I asked him what it was. I'm glad I asked because he was a really nice fellow, and he went against the stereotype of a "bum." He said that most days he'd show up early and they'd give him a coffee cup. He'd fill it with hot water from the coffee machine and stir in a few cups of ketchup which they let him have.

 He always came early too, but it was because they didn't want him hanging out when a lot of customers were there. It was nice of them I guess to help him in some small way. "Ketchup soup, huh?" I asked. "I guess so" he replied.

 I excused myself and went and ordered him a double cheese, large fry, tea and a Frosty. I took it to him and he thanked me generously. I grabbed my tray and sat across from him. We had a nice chat. I don't remember what his story was or how he ended up homeless, but it wasn't the typical story of someone getting into dope and losing everything. 

 He said he didn't drink or do drugs and I believed him. His eyes were clear and he didn't have that druggy, boozy thing that many homeless people have. He had short hair and clean fingernails. He could've been totally bullshitting me but I don't think so. I'm certainly not saying that most homeless people are automatically fucked-up, just that it's rare to see someone who doesn't seem to be homeless but is.

 We talked about normal stuff and he was well-spoken. It was a little weird really, because he wasn't physically disabled, and he didn't seem to have any mental issues, although I'm not a doctor, so it was a little odd that he was homeless at all. I wish I could remember the story. The fact remains though, that even though he wasn't a junkie or a crazy person, he was still homeless. He did mention doing occasional odd jobs and such, so hopefully he didn't stay homeless forever. 

 I asked him about what his days were like, and I remember him telling me that he'd check payphones for quarters and that people would give him money sometimes but that he didn't like to ask. This was before the days when you can whip out your phone, film something and make your own mini-doc and post it on YouTube. I thought it might be interesting to borrow a camera and follow him around for a day. For the next few days I found myself checking payphones, and there were more quarters than I'd have thought. 

 It was interesting to talk to a homeless person who had at least some of his shit together. Looking back I wish I could've bought his jacket so I'd have a souvenir of the 80s, but I didn't. I bet the other homeless people called him "the professor." Godspeed, bud. The moral of this story is that if I ever become homeless, I won't get a jacket that's so datable. I'd be a sober and fairly well-spoken homeless person too. Maybe someone will buy me a meal. Maybe I'll eat ketchup soup. 


Sunday, April 14, 2024

Rock Bottom

I've hit rock bottom. It's been coming for a while so it's no big surprise. The thing is, there may be a small part of me that still cares, but for the most part I don't give a damn. The good thing is that it's not from drugs or alcohol or whatever; it's my situation.

 I'm putting in 16-18 hour days that normally two or three people would be doing, but I'm by myself. I'm looking after my bedridden mom, and have to do everything for her. It's not so much a physical thing as it is mental, and I haven't had a day off in over a year, except when she had to go into the hospital for a few days, and I slept for three days solid.

 I haven't had a vacation of any kind in over 16 years, and I didn't have even one single day off for over 15 years. I'm cut off from almost everything I love and that's been part of my life- my friends, my music, my river and my livelihood. It's truly a miracle I have any traces of my sanity left, and some people think I don't.

 I don't get enough food or sleep, and on top of everything else, soon, unless things change and I start selling my stuff or something, I'll be homeless. I barely have enough energy to do the things I absolutely must do, and everything else I've let go to shit. Even if I weren't burnt to a crisp, there's nothing at all to look forward to. A couple of music things didn't pan out, and I'm finally accepting the fact that music is a done deal for me. It sure was fun.

 Even though it's not from drugs or alcohol and I'm not all trashed from substances, rock bottom still sucks. There's no 12-step program or whatever for being a piece of shit. Except for doing a very mediocre job of taking care of my dog and my mom, I'm completely useless. If it weren't for them I wouldn't care if I didn't wake up tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to living on the streets anyway. 

 If there's anything else positive to say it's that I do count my blessings every day, even if I feel that I used them all up years ago and I'd have tried to save a few if I'd known. I've done things that most people can only dream of, and I'm not being arrogant. That's how it is. I'm still happy for people who are doing well. Besides that I don't suppose I really give a fuck about much of anything. It's no biggie. Have a nice day, and I mean it. 

Saturday, April 13, 2024

The Burp Heard 'Round the World

I told this story in my old blog, but as always, so what? It's probably one of those things where you had to be there, but it still makes me lol when I think about it, because it's such an unimaginable story. I'm glad as hell I didn't grow up with a cellphone wired to my hand, but things like this make me wish I'd had a portable recording device in my pocket. 

 If you happen to play in a band, they say you never forget your first gig at the beach, and they're right. For me it was the Generic Band in Panama City Beach, Florida. In many ways it's like a normal trip to the beach...when you're still about 15 miles out you roll down the windows and catch a whiff of the intoxicating aroma of salt air and dead see lawns changing from dirt to sand, with the vegetation changing accordingly...finally you see the ocean, and you can't wait to jump out of the car. You get a room and crank the AC. 

 You have a captain's platter, drink in the daytime, swim out into the ocean until you start thinking about the movie Jaws, and the theme starts playing in your head and so you swim closer to shore...hit the pinball arcade and a gift shop to buy some shells for your mom...drink more in the daytime...check out the talent and maybe talk shit to some of it if you can...all the while sniffing the coconutty aroma of sunscreen and tanning lotion...all that good stuff, plus you get to play music, and people think you're cooler than you really are. And oh get paid. Coming back from the beach with more money in your pocket than when you left is pretty amazing. 

 Unfortunately, due to the aforementioned beer no doubt, I don't remember too many details about the gig itself, except that we had a blast, made some new fans and were invited back. It was a party for some friends, and having some of our fans there to "seed" the crowd really helped, and made it more fun for us. It's not so much the gig I's the burp I had the next morning.

 I don't know how many beers I had before, during and after the gig...I'd say at least 35. We probably partied 'til 4am or so but I don't remember. I do remember waking up early the next morning and my mouth feeling like the Sahara Desert. I should've pounded water but I wanted a Coke. There was a machine that had ice-cold cans, and that's what I thought I needed. I do remember that those suckers sure tasted good to a thirsty fool. 

 I stuffed a couple of quarters into the machine and the can plunked into the chute. I popped the tab. Back then the pull tabs separated from the can and were a real hazard to bare feet, so I made sure to throw it away. I took that glorious first sip, and it tasted so good I kept going, and downed the whole thing in about three seconds. Normally I can't take more than a few sips before it begins to burn my throat but I was still numb, so I slammed it. I went "AHHHHHH" afterwards. It could've been a Coke commercial if a couple of beach babes had been there, and I were tanned and buff.

 It tasted so good that I got another one and I slammed it too. That was unheard of, but rarely have I been that dehydrated in my life. I got a third one and headed back to the room. O' was up when I got back, so we sat out on our patio and smoked a morning bowl. We were at the corner of the ground floor of our hotel. It was next to a main path to the beach. People would walk by but we wouldn't see them until they rounded the corner. 

 As might be expected, I heard a rumble in my belly. I'd just pounded two cans of Coke and was working on a third, plus I still had God knows how much co2 in my system from all the beer I'd drunk, and it was seeking a way out. As I recall I hadn't let out air or gas in any form yet, but that was about to change. 

 Many of us as kids, and sometimes into adulthood, will say a word or phrase when we burp. I call it "Burpspeak" but I don't know if there's an official term for it. As you probably know, it gives a low, guttural and demonic quality to the voice. The funny thing is that a little girl can sound like a 350lb biker dude when she Burpspeaks, so a grown man can sound downright scary. If you've never tried it, give it a whirl. Saying "BELCH" is pretty funny, and a great way to get started. If you have enough air, you can burp: "PARDON ME."

 I felt a monumental burp coming on, and I wasn't about to let it go to waste and just burp. I had enough air that I probably could've recited the first five lines of the Declaration of Independence, but I couldn't think of anything to say, so I just burped a string of demonic-sounding syllables. 

 Just as I launched into the longest burp of my entire life, an innocent family of four came around the corner on their way to the beach. They were just in time to hear what I'm sure sounded like demonic possession or something. They got quiet in a hurry. I can't quote it exactly, but it was something like: "HOWWwwRRROWWWahhhWABBAYABBArrrrrrrahhhWOWWWWwaaaaHOWYOWwwwwRR, etc." It was deep and loud and it sounded pretty evil. It went on for a while. 

 The icing on the cake was what O' did, and it was perfect. He looked at the family and smiled. He held out his hands, palms down, and moved them up and down in sync as he bowed to them as if he were blessing them. I started laughing but I still kept burping, which made it sound even more satanic. I can still see the look on their faces, bless their hearts.

 The kids were closest to the building, but dad grabbed them and pulled them protectively in between himself and mom, which we thought was hilarious. They reckoned they'd stumbled onto a couple of Satan worshippers, summoning demons at 7:00 in the morning. Too much.

 As they passed by and continued on toward the beach, dad was keeping an eye on us. When he looked over his shoulder with a mixture of horror and disgust, the look on his face was reminiscent of the iconic Barry Godber painting on the cover of the first King Crimson album, seen here done in Spam. We absolutely lost it laughing, but I don't think the family was very amused. 

 I really wanted to apologize and tell them that I wasn't conducting a Satanic ritual at all, but that I'd slammed two Coca-Colas and was Burpspeaking, but I was laughing like a lunatic and couldn't talk. I'm sure hearing us both laughing hysterically didn't help, but at least no one was harmed...physically anyway. Hopefully there wasn't any permanent psychological damage. I can only imagine what it seemed like from their perspective, ha-ha. Again, bless their hearts. Sorry if we frightened y'all.

 It's true what they never forget your first gig at the beach. Or your greatest Satanic burp. Pardon me. 



Thursday, April 11, 2024

Happy Trails Redux and Correction

I posted this here recently. I thought it was from an episode of Gunsmoke but actually it's a scene from Tales from Wells Fargo. It came on the other night and I realized it wasn't Gunsmoke. My mom loves old Westerns and when I saw it before I wasn't really paying attention to what she was watching, but the jet exhaust trails in the sky behind Chuck Connors sure got my attention.

 As I said before, about a decade ago I started hearing that they were actually going back into old movies and TV shows and digitally inserting exhaust trails into the scenes, in an attempt to normalize chemtrails and make us think they've been here all along.

 I get that that sounds completely insane, but after a quarter-century-plus of looking into the Elites, the ones who run the show, I know that you can't put anything past them. They have the money, the resources and the agenda. Like the satellite image of the exhaust trails along the path of totality, here's proof right in our faces. In this case though, they overplayed their hand.

 Here's the same scene a few seconds later. Like the first time I saw the episode, I grabbed my phone and snapped a pic. We have the basic cable package so I can't rewind or record shows, but I snapped a photo off the TV screen. You can clearly see the trails. The trails cross the entire sky and are clearly jet exhaust. You can find the episode and see for yourself.

 There are two possibilities- either they were digitally inserted, as absurd as it sounds, or they were actually there in the sky when the show was filmed in the 60s. That's probably what most people would say, but think about it...would they leave visible exhaust trails from a modern jet airplane in a scene from a show that was set in the 1800s? I seriously doubt it. 

 The logical explanation is that it was done on purpose. I get that most people don't believe they'd go to the trouble to do it, not to mention why, but the proof is right there. If that's the case though, they're tipping their hand. Without going into explanation, showing us things in plain sight is how they roll. 

 I could see inserting trails into scenes from movies that were set in the 70s and beyond, but you'd think they wouldn't do it in old Westerns, right? When I watched this again, there was a camera cut right after Chuck rode off. The next shot was a continuation of the same scene a few seconds later, and the sky was clear. You could say that if the trails were really there when they filmed it in the 60s, they waited for them to blow away before they continued the scene, but then why would they leave them in the first part? 

 They'd reshoot a scene for a Western if they accidentally filmed 10" of a Jeep track, much less modern jet trails. If they've been digitally inserted into this specific scene, shot at a time when there weren't any planes, then they want us to see them. I just found the episode on YouTube, and sure enough, there they are. 

This image is at around 19:50, and you can watch the video HERE. Again, what you do with information is up to you, but this is hard to deny. Them there are jet exhaust trails, a Western. What's wrong with this picture? 


Happy Trails Redux and Correction

I posted this here recently. I thought it was from an episode of Gunsmoke but actually it's a scene from Tales from Wells Fargo. It came on the other night and I realized it wasn't Gunsmoke. My mom loves old Westerns and when I saw it before I wasn't really paying attention to what she was watching, but the jet exhaust trails in the sky behind Chuck Connors sure got my attention.

 As I said before, about a decade ago I started hearing that they were actually going back into old movies and TV shows and digitally inserting exhaust trails into the scenes, in an attempt to normalize chemtrails and make us think they've been here all along.

 I get that that sounds completely insane, but after a quarter-century-plus of looking into the Elites, the ones who run the show, I know that you can't put anything past them. They have the money, the resources and the agenda. Like the satellite image of the exhaust trails along the path of totality, here's proof right in our faces. In this case though, they overplayed their hand.


 Here's the same scene a few seconds later. Like the first time I saw the episode, I grabbed my phone and snapped a pic. We have the basic cable package so I can't rewind or record shows, but I snapped a photo off the TV screen. You can clearly see the trails. Both times I couldn't catch a wider shot, but the trails cross the entire sky and are clearly jet exhaust. You can find the episode and see for yourself.

 There are two possibilities- either they were digitally inserted, as absurd as it sounds, or they were actually there in the sky when the show was filmed in the 60s. That's probably what most people would say, but think about it...would they leave visible exhaust trails from a modern jet airplane on a show that was set in the 1800s? I seriously doubt it. 

 The logical explanation is that it was done on purpose. I get that most people don't believe they'd go to the trouble to do it, not to mention why, but the proof is right there. If that's the case though, they're tipping their hand. Without going into explanation, showing us things in plain sight is how they roll. 

 I could see inserting trails into scenes from movies that were set in the 70s and beyond, but you'd think they wouldn't do it in old Westerns, right? When I watched this again, there was a camera cut right after Chuck rode off. The next shot was a continuation of the same scene a few seconds later, and the sky was clear. You could say that if the trails were really there when they filmed it in the 60s, they waited for them to blow away before they continued the scene, but then why would they leave them in the first part? 

 They'd reshoot a scene for a Western if they accidentally filmed 10" of a Jeep track, much less modern jet trails. If they've been digitally inserted into this specific scene, shot at a time when there weren't any planes, then they want us to see them. I just found the episode on YouTube, and sure enough, there they are. 

This image is at around 19:50, and you can watch the video HERE. Again, what you do with information is up to you, but this is hard to deny. Them there are jet exhaust trails, a Western. What's wrong with this picture? 

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

I Wonder Why It was Cloudy Along the Path of Totality...

Although there was a storm system that for a time pretty much exactly followed the path of totality of the eclipse, lots of people reported "hazy" skies but not storms. After I saw the video last night I know why. Several of my info guys said there would be spraying, and that it'd be heavy. They were correct. 

 Thise crosshatch marks are exhaust from planes. Call it whatever you want...contrails, chemtrails, exhaust trails or whatever...there they are. This is concentrated, purposeful and very precise spraying. It starts and stops at exact points. It's a mission. My main info guy says the spraying is controlled by AI, and that makes sense...everything else is. 

 I really want to post this on fb just to see of anyone says anything, but it'd probably be mostly people saying it's clouds, or maybe a glitch or, it's exhaust trails. We can deny it if we want, but there it is...right in front of our faces. We don't want it to be true, but it is. How we handle the truth is up to us. 

 If you're willing to accept what your two good eyes and your brain are telling you, then two things should happen. First, you might want to rethink your ideas about "Conspiracy Theorists" and start listening to what we say, and two, you should be unhappy about being lied to...very unhappy. We've been trying to tell everybody that we're all being lied to. If people see this, maybe they'll rethink things.

 It's tough...believe me, I know. You can't wake up overnight, and have to change your core beliefs, but the sooner the better. Uncertainty causes fear, but knowledge erases uncertainty. Knowledge is power, man. We're all in this together. We should be against the bad guys instead of each other. If you just open your eyes, get over your pride about being lied to and realize that a hell of a lot of people who are smarter than you and I have also been fooled, and start digging into this stuff with a truly open mind, you'll uncover things that the wildest Science (SCIENCE) Fiction movie couldn't come up with, and that I can guarantee.

 I realize that a huge obstacle to waking up is not wanting to be ridiculed and ostracized by our peers, family and colleagues, but if we all wake up, nobody will stand out. I get it, but again, we're all on the same team, and that doesn't include the bad guys. Don't forget...they're outnumbered 99 to 1, and they know it. The problem is, most of us don't know that. Still think this is all conspiracies? I hope and pray not.

 It's unclear whether they were trying to obscure the eclipse or influence the storm system or both, but lots of people couldn't see it. They often spray ahead of storms, but it's rare to see it this intense and concentrated. And if you don't think weather modification is real, you have some serious catching-up to do, because they admitted it years ago. They used it for the Chinese Olympics some years back. Look it up. 

 We know that water vapor in the atmosphere is attracted to particles in the air, and can coalesce into raindrops and hail and such. It's a simple matter to spray ahead of a storm, and they do it all the time. For the record there are several ways to either increase or decrease the intensity of storms. They've been trying to make it rain since before airplanes even, when they shot cannon shells into the atmosphere that released silver nitrate and such, and sometimes they were actually successful in making it rain.

 When I was in elementary school, on movie days they'd show newsreels, and several times they showed prop planes outfitted with spray nozzles that were spraying siler iodide among other things. They were proud of it, and it's been going on for many years. yet they still deny it to this day. The truth is coming out though, and NO ONE can go against the truth. No one can deny this satellite image either. 

 I saw an article the other day that I forgot to bookmark, but I found a similar article from 2020. It talks about how they're "considering" reflecting radiation back into space. How do they propose to do that? By spraying aerosols of course. Here's another tip...when they say they're "considering" something, they're already doing it, and you can take that to the bank. The article is HERE

 Interestingly, Tennessee just introduced a bill that would prevent the spraying of chemicals overhead, in other words, chemtrails. What's nuts is that all these articles are coming out calling it the result of "Conspiracy Theorists," which is just ludicrous. Tennessee ain't LA, but are we supposed to believe that they've introduced a bill, for the first time in our nation's history, out of sheer paranoia and "conspiracy theories?" Come on. 

 If you've been unsure that aerosols are real, here's all the proof you need. Wake up. We need you. The kids need you. Really. 


Monday, April 8, 2024

Eclipse 2024

The start of the solar eclipse is about three hours away. A million people are saying a million things they think could happen. Most won't happen, lots of ideas are whack, but as crazy as they might sound, some are actually backed up by science (SCIENCE). 

 I ran across one of I'm sure many YouTube channels, where this woman was assuring us with absolute certainty that the Rapture was going to happen during the eclipse. Those are the people to avoid like the plague, because anyone who tries to predict when it will happen, that is if it happens, is an idiot, and they don't even know the Bible they profess to go by. It says that no one but God knows the hour, not even Jesus or the angels. Or in the case of an ex, who was a poor speller, not even the angles. 

 I will say that the atmosphere around this eclipse is different from the one in 2017. For one thing we'll supposedly see the "Devil Comet" in the shadow of the Moon. They're saying we may see massive explosions from the surface of the Sun, which makes sense since the Sun is going nuts right now, and is about two years ahead of the predicted peak of solar activity. We weren't supposed to see the level of activity we're seeing right now until 2025. My main info guy (and others too) was saying at least eight years ago, when I started following him, that the Sun was going to go berserk around this time and ahead of schedule, just for the record. 

 The Sun is connected to Earth and the other planets electromagnetically, and the Moon passing between Earth and the Sun will interrupt the flow of electrons. We've been through plenty of eclipses before, and the only reason this one could be different from most is due to the increased solar activity. I wouldn't rule out earthquakes and such. The comet should be interesting. We're not in the area of totality so I'm about to find a livestream.

 I don't think that the world will end or that the Rapture is about to happen, but frankly I'd be perfectly okay with it if that were the case. I think that it's about to get really busy above our heads pretty soon. Heads-up.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

The Saddest Fireworks in History

An article on my homepage caught my eye. It said something about an MLB team getting roasted for having a lame fireworks display on opening day. Not being a fan of lame fireworks displays and wondering who it was, I clicked, and dang if they weren't right. That's by far the lamest fireworks "display" I've ever thought about seeing. It's shameful.

 I can't recall ever seeing anything like this, and to think it's opening day for a major league baseball game. It's beyond's weird. It's hard to use the word "display," but I've seen bigger ones at kindergarten parties. I've shot way bigger displays than this indoors. I'm certainly not surprised that they got "roasted," but it's so damn weird that it's almost like a conspiracy theory or something. 

 This was the Cubs' home opener, and as the players were introduced to the crowd, these two little black boxes shot out sparks less than ten feet into the air. I don't know whom they thought they'd impress with that impotent salvo, but it's laughable. I could've done a better job with $50 worth of roman candles. They might as well have had kids in Cubs uniforms waving sparklers at the players. It'd have been much more impressive, and a lot cuter. And brighter. And a lot less lame.

 The Cubs couldn't spring for some decent fireworks? It's opening day, seen 'round the world, and this is all they got? They sell stuff that's fifty times that intense at roadside stands. They couldn't have sent the bat boy out to one of them with the petty cash? Cubs fans take their baseball very seriously, and I'd imagine that extends to the quality of a fireworks "display" too. 

 It's almost like they wanted to get laughed at. I'm honestly a little miffed. As I was clicking on the article I was thinking: "How lame could it possibly be?" I don't shock easily but I was bamboozled.  Holy moly...I really don't get it. They can't spend the price of two tickets plus hot dogs and a couple of beers on the opening day fireworks display? It's a total disgrace. No respect. Where's your dignity? 

Monday, April 1, 2024

Backing Tracks is Whack, Especially for that Much Jack

What's left of the Eagles are currently on tour. Although I can appreciate bands who stick around as long as they have, that is as long as they're still able to perform at at least a 70% or so level, compared to their younger selves, I was never the biggest Eagles fan. 

 They did a few songs I really like, and remind me of my early days playing in bands that covered those tunes, but they never really moved me. I've seen a few posts by people who are excited to be going to see them, and I went "Pfffffft." I'd certainly enjoy the show if I went, but there's a bunch of bands I'd enjoy a lot more.

With all due respect, there's a million bands who do what the Eagles do, only most of them never got big. The only reason I'd go would be to see Joe Walsh, and that's only if I had a free ticket. If I did happen to go to see them, I might think about falling off the wagon and getting blasted, just in case they sucked. I doubt I'd buy a t-shirt.

 We've been hearing a lot lately about bands using backing tracks, even to the point of miming to prerecorded lead vocal tracks. I've also seen a lot of vids popping up in my YT feed with titles like "Bands Who Really Should Retire." It's sad but true, and I'd have to agree, especially if they have to resort to replacing themselves with backing tracks, not to mention lying, by pretending to sing. 

 i don't have a problem with bands using backing tracks live, even harmony vocals and such, as long as they don't try to hide it. People are used to hearing the studio versions of the songs, and usually there's overdubs- harmony vocals, leads and whatnot, and four or five people can't cover all that stuff live.

 I get it, but having said that, I'd much prefer to hear what the guys can still do by their lonesomes, and nothing else. If they have to drop a song down a step or two, so what? We all lose vocal range over time. Good bands can figure out how to cover for the extra stuff live, or just leave it out and enjoy the extra space. 


 Although technology has improved and the chances of something going wrong when using backing tracks is a lot less than it was back in the 80s when they started using backing tracks, accidents can and do still occasionally happen.

 We all recall the infamous Milli Vanilli debacle, where their backing track got stuck, which totally blew their scene. It took everyone by surprise, not the least of whom Milli Vanilli, and they lost it. Here we see either Milli or, I'm kidding...either Rob of Fab running off the stage after the mishap.

 He'd have been better off owning up to it and apologizing on the spot, but he chose to run. To their credit it took them completely by surprise, and I can only imagine what that was like. I bet their dicks shrank down to size 1, and they probably threw up.

 I don't remember, or care, whatever damage control they and their label did, but first impressions are everything, and running away didn't help. As we know, they sank into drug abuse and such, and their careers were pretty much over as far as I can remember. At least one of them has gone to that great backstage area in the sky. 

 The gig where the "backing" vocal tracks, which were actually the only audible tracks, started skipping, is all over YouTube. They were "singing" one of their hits, and the backing track glitched-out and started repeating "Girl you know it, girl you know it, girl you know it" over and over. It was just like a vinyl record skipping. Actually it was the perfect place for a skip. It stayed in rhythm with the song, like it was planned, that is if it hadn't kept going and going. I hope someone has sampled it. 

At first they tried to go with it, no doubt in total shock and hoping it'd stop...they kept dancing and pretending to sing "Girl you know it" again and again, like maybe it was a new arrangement or something, but after it repeated "Girl you know it" for the fifteenth time, they gave up and turned tail. That was rough.

 To be fair to Rob and Fab, faking it wasn't their idea; it was the record company's. The voices live and on records weren't theirs at all. At least most bands, when they use backing vocal tracks, are singing it themselves. The record co. execs didn't think they could sing well enough to be Pop stars, but they looked good doing it, and so much about Pop music is image, which has little to do with music. They signed the papers so they did exactly as they were told. It's a shame, but welcome to the music biz. Don't get me started...

 I saw some things coming out about how the Eagles, a band known for their vocals, were using prerecorded lead vocal tracks, and miming. I was a little shocked but not surprised, if that makes sense. So Don Henley goes into the studio one night, catches the perfect buzz or whatever, uses a many takes as he needs and sings the lead vocal, possibly even Autotuned, and they use that live. That's sad, and more than that it's deceitful. I keep trying to tell people that about 85% of what we're presented with is bullshit, and unfortunately it includes the music business. 

 As much as I'm not the biggest Eagles' fan I was disgruntled hearing about them lip syncing, but then when I looked up ticket prices I was downright pissed. Tickets start at around $300 and go up to almost $900. Those aren't scalper prices, and God only knows what scalpers will get; those are prices from major brokers like Ticketfucker and all them. I get inflation but that's insane. They're charging that kind of money and they're not even singing? It's a joke and they should be ashamed. 

 I watched a video where someone was looking into it, and sure enough, ol' Don Henley's been puling our leg. Don, Don, Don. The guy isolated the vocals from live performances of Desperado, from 2023 and 2024. He ran them through various programs that analyzed waveforms and such, and they were identical, but listening told the tale.

 He played them together and split them between left and right channels. I had headphones on, and at first I thought he was playing them separately but he was playing both at the same time. It was the exact same vocal. Busted! 

 There was zero "chorus" effect when someone is, say, doubling their part on a lead vocal on a studio recording to make it sound thicker. It's largely done with automation these days, but in the analog days it was done quite a bit. The guy would sing the lead vocal and then sing it again on another track. In that case you want to sing both parts identically, but a human being can't do that, and it's the slight differences that give it depth and fullness and make it sound so good. 

 Even when I realized that it was both vocals being played at once, and you could even hear different crowd noise, I could tell that it was the exact same vocal part. It was flat, compared to the chorus effect it should have had if he'd actually been singing live both times, with two slightly different vocals. It was also bullshit. 

 I'd like to think that if I were in a legendary but elderly band and I still wanted to pay live, which is great, even if I had to drop a song five steps and sing like a bullfrog, at least I'd be honest about it. I don't generally care for between-song banter in most cases, but I'd address the crowd and tell them that I appreciate them still taking an interest in the band and that I was going to sing like a bullfrog, but I wouldn't bullshit them. That would never happen of course, because I never signed my soul away. I came close, but thank God I didn't. It's an evil business. It hurts a music lover like myself but it's a fact. 

 Maybe it's time these aged bands hang it up, or maybe come out in dinosaur suits, tell the audience that all the songs have been dropped down five steps and they're no spring chickens, but if people still want to see them that's great, and just play it up. And if it were I, I damn sure wouldn't charge the better part of a grand for a ticket. That's belligerent. Maybe it's time for some of these bands to quit the stage, but to charge $875 for a ticket and then try to trick us...they should be run off the stage. That's bullshit.