Thursday, June 29, 2023

Miracles in Modern Medicine/New Friends/My Lotion Strikes Again

Something happened this week that I consider to be a miracle of modern medicine, plus my skin lotion put another feather in its cap, and on top of that I'm thrilled. A few months back my mom, bless her heart, broke her femur, and she's been getting regular visits from PT and OT nurses. 

 I'm good friends with quite a few doctors and nurses, and over the years I've done lots of music therapy things in nursing homes, so I've met quite a few healthcare workers. It takes a special kind of person of course to do that work to begin with, but the people with this company, Enhabit, are absolute standouts. 

 I've already bonded with one of them, to a surprising degree...or maybe not. We bonded over our love of God and "natural" things. I asked her how she got into this line of work, and she said that she'd intended to be a lawyer and had completed two years of law school, but she felt that God was leading her to become a nurse, and specifically to deal with the elderly. I admired her courage for mentioning God in this day and age, especially not knowing my beliefs, and I told her so. 

 We started talking about the state of the world, God, Satan, the rise of the Beast Kingdom and such...the whole nine yards. I told her something that really surprised her. She said that it confirmed something she'd just told someone, and she was very pleased.

 I've mentioned before that "Truthers" and believers, and scientists too for that matter, all look for confirmation. In the case of science (SCIENCE) it's called "peer-reviewed research," which basically means that an experiment can be repeated many times by different people and still yield the same results.

 Ideally I want at least two independent confirmations, and the beauty of it is that confirmation comes from seemingly-unrelated things, and it comes when we're not looking for it. I doubt that this sister, a young black woman in her 20s, ever expected "confirmation" from a 65yo white guy, but that's how it works. 

 She came again Monday and we struck up another conversation. The subject of healthcare came up, and she mentioned that she was interested in learning about "natural" things, and feels that again she's being "led" into going into that field, even to the point of getting out of nursing. I told her I'd been learning about things like herbs and supplements and such for over 40 years, and that got her interest. She asked me if I could point her toward some resources, and I said absolutely I could. I was thrilled to be able to share information with her. That's my gig. 

 I told her about my lotion and she was really interested, so I gave her some to try. I was a bit surprised she took it, since they're basically taught from Day 1 that "natural" things are Voodoo. What they don't teach them is that ALL medicines...ALL of them originally came from plants and still do. It's funny...when people try to tell me that herbs don't work, I ask them if they've ever smoked pot, and usually they say yes. I'll ask them if they got high and they'll say yes, and I'll say "There you have it" or something like that. It's simple. They work.

 Another nurse came by today. This sister is a Caucasian in her 30s, and I really like her too. She also expressed interest in "natural" things, much to my surprise, and she ended up taking some lotion too, which made me very happy. She knows about Spirulina and Ashwagandha, which pleased me, so she's well on her way. 

 Earlier this evening I got a text from the first nurse, confirming her appointment for tomorrow. She said she tried the lotion, and it was already starting to heal a rash that nothing else had worked on. I was thrilled and bustin' with pride, even though all I did was to mix the stuff, and have the experience to know how to go about making it. God put this stuff here, not me. 

 I get off on helping people and animals, and I love it when it happens, and I've never once asked for a penny for all the stuff I've given away to people over the years, but from an economic standpoint, if I can get medical professionals talking about this stuff, who knows what might happen. They'll have to talk about it in secret and trust the patient not to tell on them, because doctors and nurses are being threatened with their jobs if they promote "natural" stuff. It's true. I got news for ya...the Federal Demonic Association is NOT about keeping people's all about the Almighty Dollar, and if anyone thinks otherwise they should really do some research. 

 I can't wait to see my new friend and possible protege in the morning. I found her a couple of good books to get her started and I'm going to point her to Rhonda Dial, who'll be pleased to talk to her I know, and who can give her more info than I can. People in our lives come and go, but I hope we can stay in touch for a long time. I'd love to be able to follow her progress and help in any way I can. We both feel that God meant for us to meet. She sure is a sweetie and I'm honored to call her a friend, not to mention her asking me for advice. All those years of experience have paid off, and it's really awesome to see the results. I love making new friends and she qualifies, plus she loves my lotion. God is good. 

"To your very good health!" - Keith Emerson

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