Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Yet Again, Shots Fired (Timing is Everything)

I've been keeping track in this blog of every time I've heard gunfire within a block or two since we moved in here, and it just now happened again. It's funny that not an hour ago I put up a post about a guy dealing dope right outside my door, and how this is a dangerous place, and then BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG. There you have it. 

 There were about ten shots from a small caliber weapon...I'd guess a .22 or possibly a 9mm. The first couple of times it happened I cautiously peered out the window, but now I'm used to it. I walked out onto the deck to see if I could see anything. The cops don't bother to show up any more. Who cares, right? It's just a little gunfire yo. I live in the 'hood now. 

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