Tuesday, June 13, 2023

A Dope Dealer Outside My Door

Well, damn...I've never run into a situation quite like this, and it's about the last thing I need. For the last few weeks there's a guy who's been hanging out on the stairs right by our front door, talking on his phone. I didn't think anything about it at first but then I began to wonder if maybe he's selling dope, and I just now found out he is. 

 I went out to walk the dog and as I walked out I saw a woman putting something into her purse and saying "Thank you." I was also greeted by a huge cloud of pot smoke. Ordinarily I'm the last person in the world who'd be bothered by a cloud of pot smoke, and in fact I've generated quite a few in my day, but this is different. He's not just smoking pot...he's dealing it. Usually people's business is their business, but this hits close to home, as it were. 

 Probably 99% of us have had neighbors who sold drugs, whether we knew it or not, but this guy doesn't live here. He's just using this part of the building because it's mostly unoccupied. There's only one other occupied unit on our floor and one or two upstairs at the other end of the building. The problem is that they were smoking 10' away from our door, and it might as well have been coming from our place.

 When I got back he was long gone but the aroma of weed was still very much there, and it got stronger as I got closer to the door. If anyone had walked by they'd for sure have thought that I was the one smoking. It's not cool, because surely there are cars pulling up out front, staying only a few minutes then leaving, a sure indication of dope-dealing, and all those people do their business 10' from my front door. Usually there's not a lot of violence associated with selling weed, but he could be selling other things as well.

 I was told when we first moved in here that undo cops sit out front and watch for dope-dealing, and since we're the only ones in this part of the building, if the cops do happen to be watching, it'd be natural to assume that they're coming to see me. Of course if the cops did happen to bust in, which I really don't think would happen, they wouldn't find any dope, but I'd just as soon not go through the trouble. 

 I thought about calling the cops but I think I'll sit tight for now, but if it keeps up I think that would be the best thing to do. This is a bad part of town and there are some dangerous people who live in this complex, and I know that from direct interaction with them. Several people here have told me that I'm a fool not to carry a weapon if I go out after dark, and again I've had several interactions with some very spooky people here, and I just don't relish the idea of someone dealing dope right by my damn door.

 They must've known that I smelled it when I walked out, but I didn't react or even look at them. Ordinarily I'd probably have smiled and sniffed the air and said "Bueno!" or whatever, but since I knew that a dope deal had just gone down I kept quiet. I'd rather not get the police involved, and I don't want to get someone in trouble if they're just selling weed, but I don't want a dope dealer camped out by the front door either. If it keeps going I don't think I have a choice but to call the cops, but I'll lay low for a bit. 

 I haven't gotten a good look at him because he's usually leaning on the rail and facing away, but I could give a general description if I had to. If I see him again I'll get a good look at his face. I'd rather not get involved. I wouldn't want him to get busted and figure I was the likely one who turned him in and come after me. That sounds paranoid maybe, but that shit happens, and you can't take anything for granted around here, especially in this day and age. Hopefully he'll take his business elsewhere, but he's been here maybe a couple of months so far. Clouds of pot smoke on the stairs? No problem. Dealing dope right outside my front door? That's a problem.

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