Sunday, June 4, 2023

Spontaneous Human Invisibility?

I just watched part of a video by one of my main info guys, with the above title in the title. I've followed this guy for years because his info is solid, and mostly confirms the research I've been doing for the last 25 years or so. 

 He'll occasionally speculate, as he does in this vid, but he makes that clear. Usually he quotes facts that are 100% searchable and verifiable. This topic however requires some speculation.

 I haven't finished the video yet because it reminded me of an incident from many years ago that trips me out to this day. I did read a few of the comments, and there were stories similar to mine, and the people telling them are equally perplexed.

 Even with millions of reports of strange phenomena, there are those who'll say that it can all be explained by atmospheric conditions or whatever, or that the people were all crazy or high on drugs, but people who say that are idiots. It's statistically-impossible for every one of those people to be crazy or high (see: credible witnesses). I'll watch the vid again and read more comments, but he's started some shit with this video, and I'm glad to know that others have had similar experiences. 

 Years ago a mall called Century Plaza opened. They hadn't yet filled all the slots or completed all of the stores, and there were areas with paneling and temporary storage rooms. My buddy George from California and I ducked into one of the rooms to smoke a bowl...a Proto Pipe to be exact. The walls were lined with those rolling carts with canvas sides. We crouched down behind one and fired-up. 

 Halfway through the bowl a worker came in and immediately noticed the aroma. He was trying to find the source, and he was looking behind some of the carts. Finally he walked over and removed the cart we were crouching behind. There we and busted and directly in front of him, but he never even looked at us. 

 There wasn't a soul around when we went into the room, so he hadn't seen us go in. If he had he'd have said something when he first walked in, but he had a normal look on his face, which turned to one of confusion when he smelled the smoke. He didn't walk in with a hammer in his hand, which he'd have likely done if he'd seen us go in. 

 Even if he were trying to pretend he didn't see us for whatever reason, he didn't know we were there, and seeing us should've surprised him enough to at least glance down at us but he never did, and the expression on his face never changed a bit. You can't fake that, and you can't suppress automatic reactions. It was as if we really were invisible. 

 I get that this sounds batshit crazy, but is it possible? They say that sometimes the most crazy-sounding explanation is actually the correct one, and we know for a fact that it's happened many times. I'm not saying that George and I became temporarily invisible, but I'm not saying we didn't either. Could there be a scientific explanation? Possibly, and I'll speculate on it. Was it something supernatural or paranormal? I can't say. 

 As I've said a million times, EVERYTHING in the Universe is created by and held together with a frequency. Without going into String Theory and all that stuff, the prevailing view of many scientists is that there are many parallel universes or dimensions, stacked together in 2D, just like pages in a book. Even though they're touching, we can't see into the next one because it vibrates at a different frequency. It's just like turning the dial on a radio and tuning in to different stations. They're all there together, but we can only get one in clearly at a time because they're tuned to different frequencies. Makes sense, right?

 BTW, if you don't think there are other dimensions, and I get it, you should check out a vid on YouTube where Geordie Rose, who produced the D-Wave quantum computer, talks about how it works. He straight-up says that while they don't know exactly how it works, they know that it gets the solutions to problems from other dimensions, and in most cases it solves the problem before it's even finished being typed in. Now that's nuts, but guess's the truth. Google it, Dylan. 

 Some think that we can access these other dimensions simply by temporarily altering our frequency, and I can believe that. I think we've been doing that for eons. Look at all the crazy shit they built in ancient times...100-ton blocks that today we can't carve with so much precision, much less lift, with the best equipment. They've tried, and even with cranes holding onto other cranes they can't lift stones weighing half as much. Something was going on.

 We know that we can lift small objects with sound waves, and maybe they did something like that. That, or it was the giants, which I believe are also real, despite the Smithsonian confiscating all the evidence since some time in the 1800s. Look into Coral Castle, and ask yourself how that small man was able to lift multi-ton blocks of coral all by himself. Hint: it wasn't the tiny pulleys that were just for show. How do you explain a giant revolving door that still spins perfectly to this day, with the push of a finger? 

 What about the Philadelphia Experiment? It wasn't just a movie, in case you didn't know. If they were doing research into all this stuff, and they are, do you really think they'd tell us about it? You can either ignore this stuff since it can't be explained, or you can be intrigued and look into it, which is what I did. It's fascinating. 

 Did George and I (and the worker) experience "Spontaneous Human Invisibility?" I don't know, but it sure seemed that way. The guy walked in literally whistling a tune, noticed the smell, went looking for it, found it but then acted as if he didn't see it (us)? It makes no sense in this or any other universe. EVERYTHING  is a frequency, or a vibration, and I think we can tune into them. Just ask worker guy. Good vibrations to you! 


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