Tuesday, June 13, 2023

What's Wrong with This Picture?

Ha-ha, I just noticed something funny about the photo I used for the post below. There's something very wrong here. I've cropped it to make it a little easier to see. If you've ever bought weed you should be able to spot it immediately. Can you see it? Take a look...I'll wait... ... ...

 Did you spot it? That's right...there are three $100 bills in that sister's hand, and the dealer is actually taking it, for that little bag of weed. Unless they're in the tip-ass-top of Alaska or somewhere where weed is uber-scarce, then either that stuff is laced with a gram or two of powdered gold, or that sister is a complete dumbass, which certainly seems unlikely. For the record, a bag of weed that size should retail for maybe around $30, not $300.

 Why would they even do that I wonder. I guess the people who set up the shoot don't smoke weed. Nice nails though. That's funny. 

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