Thursday, June 15, 2023

Funny Illustration of the Day

This illustration illustrates perfectly the type of people I love to rag on- people who think they're Einstein, but are actually so dumb that they don't even have any concept of how ridiculous they appear to others. In this guy's mind he's a genius, and his ideas kick all other idea's asses. 

In reality however, he's a Feeb, and maybe about half a bubble short of level too. They illustrated this by drawing a Cymbal-Clanging Monkey in his head. I'm not sure exactly why but I absolutely love it and it makes me happy. I mean, I've always loved Cymbal-Clanging Monkeys, but I never thought about one being in someone's head. It's perfect.

 It kills me, and it says it all. The guy is really digging it, and that kills me too. The more I look at it the funnier it gets. Then again I'm delirious from lack of sleep, and I could use a good laugh, but it made my day, and I'm pretty sure I'd dig it under any circumstances. I'd love to thank the artist. just now hit me that a Cymbal-Clanging Monkey is exactly what I have in my brain too.'s true. Fuck me! Well, at least I can laugh at myself, and if you can't laugh at yourself you're an asshole. I can see it now... "Hi, I'm Kelly, and I have a Cymbal-Clanging Monkey in my head. It's nice to meet you." So, if you introduced yourself that way some people would run away as quickly as they could, and rightly so, but with a few people it might make a good conversation-starter. I thought I was laughing at all the dumbasses, but the joke's on me, ha-ha. Maybe I'll make a t-shirt. 


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