Thursday, June 8, 2023

Joey Vs. Jay?

There's a good number of videos comparing the late and former Slipknot drummer Joey Jordison and the current drummer, Jay Weinberg. It's not a contest, and while you can certainly compare the two drummers, you can't say which one is "better." It's subjective and irrelevant. They're both mofos. Jay is the son of the legendary Max "Mighty Max" Weinberg, drummer for Bruce Springsteen and Late Night with Conan O'Brien, and Joey is the son of...well, Mr. Jordison. 

 I'm not really qualified to speak on this because I'm not an expert in Metal drumming, or any other kind of drumming for that matter, but from what I've heard, Joey had maybe a bit more Mojo, maybe a bit more speed and technicality, more impulsive perhaps...Joey was a force of Nature. Jay plays a little differently but he has his own thing; he's crazy-tight and he's the drummer I'd pick for a more conventional "Rock" band. A glaring difference I see is that Joey openly mocked Christ, while so far, Jay hasn't. Maybe it matters and maybe not. Maybe it's cool to mock Jesus these days, but I wouldn't. There's still time to repent, bro. 

 But no matter their sticks, licks, tricks or chicks...Jay wins, hands-down. He's still alive. No contest.

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