Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Term of the Day: "Attractiveness Disparity"

I heard a great new term the other day- "Attractiveness Disparity." It was in the thumbnail of a vid that popped up in my feed. I'm not sure if the guy who did the video coined it or if it's a clinical term, but either way I like it. The thumbnail said something like "Did he [86] his wife because she was better looking?" It's an interesting idea. 

 The image illustrates it pretty well. That sister is, or was, pretty dang good-looking, while the guy is...well, I doubt he's a male model. I watched a few minutes of the vid, and in other images the difference in their looks was even more obvious. He wasn't rich or famous or anything so it does kinda make you wonder why she'd marry him when she could certainly aim higher in the looks department, but you never know. 

 Turns out it wasn't so much the looks difference, or the Attractiveness Disparity to be exact. He was a straight-up piece of shit, and a narcissist. He went precisely by the (imaginary) Narcissist's Handbook, trying to paint her as the bad guy and lie his way out of trouble. He lost, and is now serving time in jail. RIP sister.

 Anyway, POS narcissists aside, the term "Attractiveness Disparity" is a term I can relate to. With the exception of exactly one of my exes, they were all more attractive than me...way more attractive. Granted it may have not been quite the level that the above couple apparently suffered from, but it was pretty close. We used to marvel when we'd see some really hot chick with some random goober, but in reality that goober was me. 

 Let me think...Jeano, Beck, Lisa, Sheri, Sharon #1, Sharon #2, Kelly #1, Kelly #2, Kelly #3, etc., Paige, Steph, Julie, Maria Jose, Marla, Jill...well, I'd better stop right there...Good God...every dang one of them was way better-looking than me. How does that even happen? How did I become the very goober I once made fun of? 

 Was it my sparkling personality? Probably not. Was it my fucked-up sense of humor? It's doubtful. Was it my calm demeanor? Don't know. Was it my amazing body? Ha-ha, that's a good one. Was it Elongatus Maximus? Who knows. Was it because I played in a band? That was certainly a factor, and although there were times when I just couldn't resist some band aficionados, I generally tried not to exploit those misguided women who think that you're cooler than every other dipshit in the room just because you play in a band. Most of the women I dated I met outside of the gig, and I never told them I was in a band. 

 I know that all this makes me sound like a sexist pig and an asshole and that it was just about notch-carving, but that's not the case. It's more about bragging, to myself no less, because I'm a little down right now, and it is a real mystery how I did it. I can say that except again for a single one of my exes, none of the rest of them has any ill-will toward me, and I'm still very close to most of them.

 Jean, my first love, and I still have a lot of love for each other, and I think that's a blessing. A few months back I went to see a band and I ran into an ex. We sat together and chatted the whole time. She's an angel and I'm crazy about her. Talk about Attractiveness Disparity... It turns out that she'd married yet another narcissist, figured it out and is now single. If my situation were different I'd call her immediately. 

 So it seems that I've suffered form Attractiveness Disparity all my life, although I never really thought too much about it until I heard the term of the day. Heck, even Kathy, my first girlfriend way back in kindergarten, was a lot cuter than me. Sheri, the first girl I knew in the biblical sense was a model. She reminded me a lot of Goldie Hawn, with maybe a bit of Terry Garr thrown in. Sharon, my fifth-grade girlfriend could've had her own TV show. She friended me on fb some years back, and she's still gorgeous. 

 I really do have a bad case of AD, but at the end of the day I got the girl, for a while anyway, and I guess that counts for something. Actually I think it's a blessing...they say that in Tennis, learning to play an instrument or any number of things, you should always try to play with people who are better than you. For me that's never been an issue but it's get better because you have to work harder to keep up with better players. Maybe being with better-looking women made me up my game...who knows? Who cares? It's all good.



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