Friday, January 1, 2021

Fiber: Nature's Broom?

They say that fiber is "Nature's Broom." In other words it cleans you out. Most people don't get enough fiber in their diet, and that's bad. Not getting enough fiber can lead to a host of problems, some minor and some serious enough to make taking fiber ever again moot point, if you get my drift. 

 Besides keeping you reg, fiber removes toxins, can help with blood-sugar and weight-gain issues, and can even help prevent cancer. There are two types of fiber: soluble, which dissolves in water, and insoluble, which doesn't. Without going into the differences you need both. 

 The most common types you see in the store are mostly Psyllium husks, often with added artificial flavors, sweeteners and colors. If you have to get store brand it's best to get plain psyllium, but there's still the matter of pesticides, heavy metals, etc. If you're okay with putting that shit into your body then have at it, but it kinda defeats the purpose. I haven't been getting enough fiber lately, and I wasn't about to buy some pesticide-laced crap. Use organic.

I just got this on Amazon. It's two pounds for $20 shipped. That's a little pricey compared to non-organic, but the quality is much better, there are three types of fiber and well, it's organic. Plus it's not gritty at all like most fiber. It has a faintly sweet flavor but otherwise is neutral. In addition to Psyllium it has Agave and Oat fiber. Both of those are soluble and much better at removing toxins. Fiber has anti-cancer properties. It's good stuff.

 Another substantial benefit of Oat and Agave fiber, unlike Psyllium, is that they're prebiotics, which create favorable conditions for the growth of probiotics, which helps the good bacteria in the gut. Having healthy gut flora is crucial for things like digestion, a healthy immune system and many, many other things, and has even been shown to be connected to good mental health. Google it, Dylan. 

 This isn't nearly as expensive as it gets for high-end fiber (who knew there was such a thing) but it's plenty good. Stuff like Metamucil or whatever it is tastes like you took a glass of Tang to the ocean, dipped it into the sand, stirred it and drank it. This stuff is actually almost pleasant and it dissolves completely. You get what you pay for and there's a big difference. Trying to do your body good by taking fiber, but taking in chemicals and heavy metals makes not much sense. Go organic. It works out to be a nickel extra per serving, if that. It's worth every penny. 

 Here's the kicker, as it were- just like way back in the day when I tried psychedelics a few times, I wanted to get the full experience and then some, so sometimes I took double or triple the normal amount necessary to take a trip and never leave the farm, and it's the same with fiber, only more so. I like to take at least ten times the usual dose of fiber. First off, do NOT try this yourself, at least not nearly that drastic. I'm an expert on fiber. If you take fiber in any amount you must take it with a lot of water. Per tablespoon of fiber you should drink at least 10-12oz of water (purified, please). 

 When I take ten times the usual amount of fiber I can't drink that much water but I drink as much as I can. It can actually be dangerous to take too much fiber without drinking enough water, but only daredevil-detoxers like me need worry. Not many people could choke down fiber dry anyway. Few people have the desire to take fiber to begin with, much less a little extra, and much, much less ten times the normal amount, but I'm the Steve-o of intestinal purification. 

 What I usually do is mix ten or more scoops, about three at a time, in a big glass of water, and then go about my business. Ha ha I didn't mean to say that as a joke, but it's true. Like psychedelics, fiber takes a while to kick-in. What I meant was that after I take a mega-dose of fiber I'll just do regular things, but access to a bathroom is part of the plan at some point. I drink some more water in an hour or two. Might as well clean out all the pipes at once. Drinking pure water is very good for you, and most people don't drink nearly enough. I have to say that taking a crazy dose of fiber usually isn't easy, but this stuff was barely thicker than water and it went down very smoothly. 

 What normally happens after taking the fiber is sometime in between a few hours later and the next morning there will be a "knock at the door," and it's best to answer it. Images of those huge tunnel-boring machines go through my head as the fiber, having weaved its magic, moves along toward the end game. As Matty K used to say, "It'll set you free!" It will too. I wouldn't try it with pure Psyllium though. It'll give you enough gas to fill 99 red balloons. Seriously, don't try it. 

 So about once a month or so I'll take a massive dose of fiber, and try to avoid travelling or going to an all-night rave, and stay fairly close to home. It's best of course to take it daily, and according to the package directions, but I ramp it up. They call it "Natures Broom." I call it "Nature's Battering Ram." "To your very good health!" - Keith Emerson


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