Saturday, January 2, 2021

The Greatest Transfer of Wealth in History

Since the plannedemic began, 56 people have become billionaires, and this is just the beginning. Welcome to the biggest transfer of wealth in all of recorded history. #2 goes to the Great Depression. With more lockdowns looming, more and more people will lose their jobs, homes, businesses, vehicles, properties (not to mention their minds) name it, and it's 100% UNDESERVED, BTW, and it'll all be snapped up by the bad guys for pennies on the dollar. Adios, whatever's left of the middle-class. Nice knowin' yas.

 They give us Fiat currency, which literally isn't worth the paper it's printed on, but their currency is actual tangible goods, such as precious metals, property, etc. It's also a debt-based system, and a system based on debt will at some point fail. If people even understood that the Federal Reserve has absolutely NOTHING to do with federal ANYTHING, but is privately-owned, there might be progress, but people don't bother to look into one damn thing. 

 56 new billionaires this year. How did they make their money? Look into it for yourself. Look into what companies were primed to make a fortune off of all this panic, and look who owns the companies, and what they've done in the market. You'll probably be surprised at what you find, but then again you probably won't even bother. Well, then, my's on you. This doesn't have to happen. Wake up. 

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