Friday, January 1, 2021

New Year's 1921/2021

This headline is from the New York Herald, January 1, 1921. Apparently New Year's sucked a century ago too. How sad, but how eloquent and marvelous too. "Agreeably dull." "Crowds dry as Borax." "Fish horns toot in minor key." That's poetry, man. The latter statement sounds like the title of a Captain Beefheart album. 

 I'm not sure about "alcoholic ecstasy" not being in evidence this year, since alcohol use has gone up by over 40% since the start of the plannedemic, but other than that they pretty much nailed this year100 years ago. What goes around comes around. 

 What's in a century? In 1921 it was no booze. In 2021 it's no freedom. I know which one I'd choose. I don't drink much to begin with. Give me liberty or give me fish horns tooting in minor keys. That's killer.  Oh, well...Happy New Year's anyway!

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