Monday, January 4, 2021

The Russian Food Situation: Hooray

I just found out something cool that I didn't know, which makes this a good day, and this is especially good. Say what you will about Putin but he's a brilliant mofo. For the record he says he won't take the "poke." Good for him! Anyway sometime back he announced that he wanted Russia to become the biggest organic growers in the world, and I think they've reached their goal. I applaud them. That one move ensured that the citizens there will be healthier, as will their children. Attaboy Vladimir. 

 I also just found out that fully 40% or more of the nation's food supply still comes from small backyard farms called Dachas. It was once that way in this country but of course we lost that a century ago. I can tell you this much- if we don't wise-up and get back to that lifestyle, some people are going to go hungry. Hearing this makes me want to move to Russia immediately, although I really wouldn't want to get into drinking vodka again just to have friends. I'm stuck here anyway. I'm dreaming.


 This is a cottage on a Dacha. Imagine if you could live in a place like this. I know it's not some people's cup of tea but I think I could make it work just fine. It's a lot like what I've imagined as a great house to live in, although not necessarily so "Russian," although this place is badass. I always wanted a straw-bale home. It sounds like something out of the Three Little Pigs but it's actually one of the best construction styles known to man, plus it's a great look if you're into stucco.

 It's totally fireproof, bug-proof and the R-factor (insulation value) is something like R-47, which is incredible. They take very little energy to heat and cool. It would have a "living roof," which basically means that instead of shingles you have a garden on your roof. How cool is that? You lay down the normal tar paper and plywood as usual but then you add a layer of soil and moss and lay chicken wire over it. You can plant grass, tomatoes, herbs, strawberries or whatever you want on your roof, plus again the insulation would be off the charts. 

 Part of the structure would be underground, which would help it blend into the landscape, save on energy and for soundproofing. It would have fiber-optic skylights, or maybe even real ones. That's where the studio would be. I'd install pipes underground, where it stays around 65-degreesF all year, install fans and have mostly a passive HVAC system, plus a small heater or a fireplace system. Blowing 65-degree air into the house would be warn in Winter and cool in Summer. You wouldn't need an AC unit. Maybe that will be my home in Heaven, 'cause it probably won't be here on Earth (sigh).

 Anyway I got sidetracked looking at this Dacha crib and wondering what it would be like to live there, or somewhere very similar. In any case good for the Russians. Back in the 70s when I got into all this I'd naively hoped that by now this country would operate like Russia is doing, but that way the Monsatan company couldn't have sold all that Roundup. The Russians said fuck that shit. They're smart. I'm telling you...we should go back to this system. If you can, plant a garden. You're welcome. 


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