Saturday, January 2, 2021

First Thoughts of the New Year

Many times I'll sit outside on my deckette to get some fresh air and maybe watch the sunrise or stare into the trees. Thank God there's a stand of trees behind this building. My first thought on the morning of January 1 should've been about the promise of a brand-new year and all that shit, but of course it wasn't. 

 Waking up these days is pretty much the opposite of how it's been all my life. Instead of having a bad dream and being glad to wake up in the real world, knowing it was just a bad dream, nowadays I wake up and reality is the nightmare. Except for a stretch a couple of years back I generally don't have many nightmares, but it makes a good illustration of how I feel. 

 It also reminds me of when I've just gone through a bad breakup, and when you wake up in the morning you feel normal for a second or two but then the feeling that something is deeply wrong creeps in, and then it's "Oh, yeah...that thing." 2021 is probably not going to go smoothly for me and some like-minded people, for reasons that should become clear soon. I'll say right now that no matter what others may believe, I'm very grateful for my faith. If I'm nothing but a backward-bumpkin and I'm just making up some all-powerful entity to explain unexplainable things, then so be it. It gives me hope, it eases fear about the future and if you look at this situation from a biblical perspective, all of this bizarre shit actually makes sense. 

 God is love and truth, but the Devil is the father of lies, and for now anyway the Devil is in control of this world. If that's actually true then we should expect nothing but lies. I keep trying to tell you that at least half of what we think we know is lies (bullshit), so from that point of view there you have it. You can believe it or not, and I've never tried to say that my truth is the only one, but I have been looking into all this shit for two decades now, and I bet you haven't looked into it for five seconds. Please don't tell me I'm full of shit just because you don't believe something. Have you looked into it for yourself? I doubt it.

 Anyway I was sitting outside watching 2021 roll in, and with a damn-sight less enthusiasm that on every other new year in my life. I'm about 10' off the ground. I might see two people in a hour, walking by with their dogs, and nobody gets closer than 100' away. I'm thinking that if the new prez gets his way, from now on I'll legally have to be wearing a mask the whole time. That's lunacy, but that's how it will probably be. Again I ask how the fuck am I going to catch ANYTHING if I'm outside, and away from any possible source of contamination? Can someone please tell me? I see people walking alone outside and wearing a mask out of choice, and I thank God I don't live in fear like that. Those people are gripped by fear. It's horrible. And what this is doing to our children...that's an entire 'nother post. Look into it. 

 I have to sit outside for three hours with a fucking MASK on? Every time I walk outside to water my plants I have to put a MASK on? I'll get Brown Lung from breathing in the fine particles that occur when the lining starts to break down within 15 minutes of putting one on? This is true insanity, yet I'll be called crazy for saying this. If I were in a situation where I was close to people I'D WEAR ONE, but outdoors all by myself and never being NEAR another person? Are you kidding me? How can people accept this? Oh, I know...FEAR. It's sad. Plus those motherfuckers and their mask mandate will introduce another trillion masks into the environment, but who gives a shit, right? This is evil. 

 The best way I can put it is that everything is flip-flopped, and there's a certain book that mentions it. It says there will come a time when everything will be reversed...good will be taken for evil and evil for good, right for wrong, darkness for light, etc. It's happening right in front of our noses, but most people don a mask and look the other way. Even though it makes no sense, do it anyway. Shut everything down. Fuck it...we don't need small businesses any more. They're not the backbone of our economy. If we don't kill our economy we're all going to DIE! I'd rather take my chances with a virus than to have the whole country turn into Detroit, but that's what could happen. By the by that book says "WOE" to those who take evil for good. We'll see. The truth speaks for itself no matter what I or anyone says. And the truth WILL come out. You can count on it. Buckle-up.

 I have to admit this is a bit hard to handle. To think I'll have to wear a mask outside, all by myself and out in the open, just gets my goat. The feeling in my stomach won't go away. I know that if nobody stands up to this shit or at least questions it, we're fucked. And more than that, our KIDS will have to live in this world. It doesn't have to be this way. Just ask, "Why a mask outside?" What's your answer? Wake up.

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