Thursday, January 21, 2021


[ ]This is a video of the inauguration from The White House channel on YouTube. Look at the number of upvotes vs. downvotes. That's shocking. Right now it's 6.8K thumbs-up and 30K thumbs-down, or 4-to-1. It's shocking I tell you. Comments were disabled for this video. I wonder why. In fact comments have been disabled on all but a couple of the vids, and I'm really surprised they're still up, except to cause more division. The comments on the vids where they weren't disabled are truly brutal, and pretty much echo the upvote/downvote ratio. If you want to read some of the comments for yourself and be amazed, you can go to YT and search "Inauguration 46th President." [ ]People were saying that it's just a bunch of angry Thrump supporters and of course it is, but then where are all of Joe's peeps? It doesn't jibe with them saying that he got the highest ratio of popular votes in history, but who's counting, right? So is a sampling of 300K YouTubers an accurate representation of the general public? Who knows but one would think it'd be somewhere in the ballpark. Politics is a football game anyway- us vs. them. It's theater. It's a distraction, and again the left/right paradigm is an illusion. It's two wings of the same bird, and maybe the vulture and not the eagle, as we're led to believe. Ever hear the phrase "Divide and conquer?" It's a strategy of war. We're there. Wake up. Have a nice day.

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