Sunday, January 10, 2021

What are the Lights in the Sky?

[ ]It seems like every year for the past several we've gotten a new sky phenomenon. In 2020 it was the mysterious "searchlights." Videos are popping up showing orbs of light dancing around in the clouds. It's been filmed mostly at night because it's easier to see, but it happens day and night and has also been filmed in daylight.[ ]Right away some people will say it's Photoshoped, and many videos are, but as I've said, if you see dozens or hundreds of videos about the same thing, there's no way they can all be fake. It's statistically impossible. If that were true then it would mean that every single person who uploaded a video not only had some sophisticated editing equipment but was also highly-skilled in editing, and that's simply not the case. People will just say something is bogus and dismiss it before they even check it out. They're "triggered." It's a shame, and they maight've actually learned something if they'd been open-minded in the least. [ ]Besides that I saw them myself at least twice last year. I looked up and saw some blobs of light dancing around in the clouds. They were whitish and they weren't very bright. It looked like several spotlights beaming up at the sky and moving around like at a grand opening, but I knew that wasn't the case. Spotlights would be brighter, and there aren't many grand openings going on right now, plus it was around midnight when I saw them. So what are they? Got me, but they sure were interesting to see. [ ]I want to say that they've come up with an "official explanation," although if they have I can't remember what it is. I'm sure it'll be as laughable as the rest. Nothing though could top the "official explanation" for the violet-blue glow that appeared sporadically all around the world in 2019. I happened to see that too once. It wasn't as vivid as many of the photos I've seen but it still blew my mind. I've seen blue skies, red skies, yello skies, gray skies, green skies, pink skies, purple skies and every color of the rainbow except for violet, and this was at night anyway. Whatever it was it was pretty intense. [ ]I've said this before but I'll say it again, and maybe it will help someone wake up to the fact that we're being bullshitted on a daily basis, which is what I've been saying. The "official explanation for the violet glow in the sky was...drum roll please..."indoor-growing operations!" Ta-da! There you have it. Apparently these operations must have been the size of several football fields to be able to cast that much light, and they'd also decided for reasons known only to them, to leave the roof off, even in Winter. Maybe they're all growing some new Arctic strain that can withstand sub-freezing temps, but I doubt it. But that's what they sell us, and most people buy it. Seriously, that was the explanation that was given by those in charge of such things. It's pure bullshit folks. Wake up. [ ]A few people have speculated that the lights are due to electromagnetic energy interacting with Earth's magnetic field and exciting plasma in our atmosphere. It's similar to the way solar wind interacts with the Ionosphere and produces Auroras. There's actually evidence to support that theory, but what would be interacting with our magnetic fields and atmosphere? Some say another body or bodies in space, possibly the so-called Planet X. The Sun is connected magnetically to the Earth and the other planets, which are also connected. Any other large objects that might be passing by in our neck of the woods would interact with our planet too. [ ]Just like with magnets in a motor the Sun and Earth have field lines. There are pinpoint spots where they're connected, sort of like when a lightning bolt connects a cloud to the ground for a moment. It's always changing. It seems to me that if that were the case then we'd see hundreds or thousands at a time, and I only saw several at once, but I certainly don't know how it might work, or even if that's what's happening. Some people say they're just good old fashioned orbs, as in "spirit orbs," that are either angels or demons. That sounds ludicrous to most people but the truth is we can't say with 100% certainty what the real story is, and just because we may believe something it doesn't mean it's true, myself included. [ ]I can't wait to hear the "official explanation" for these lights. It really did remind me of a grand opening somewhere, with searchlights moving around in the sky, but it's its own thing. The lights were smaller and dimmer than searchlights, and there were no visible beams coming up from the ground, or grand openings either for that matter. If anything if they were projections they'd have been coming from above. They were just there, and I saw them a few months before I saw any videos about them. It's always cool to share in an experience and I was glad other people filmed them. Whatever they were they were fascinating and I watched them for several minutes both times. I was actually able to get a decent image of the violet skies on my phone back in 2019 but I lost that photo with my last hard drive. [ ]I like the plasma-interaction idea but I don't know what it is. I can't say with total certainty that it isn't spirits. It's their time to party, for those of you (lol, like anybody reads this) who know what I mean. There's some funky footage of all these crazy orbs dancing around and above certain needle-like structures in different places, and again it's impossible that all of the footage is faked. Plus I seen it with my own three eyes. I say it's going to be a sky-show in the months and years to come. A shit-kicking skyshow at that. When I say "Heads-up" I'm not kidding. Stay safe.

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