Saturday, January 9, 2021

A Delivery of Hope

. [I'm so sick of approaching most strangers in public. Whereas a year ago you'd have exchanged a smile or a hello or you might even have had a conversation, now when you approach someone you give them a wide berth and they you. You're lucky if they even make eye contact with you, and you can't tell if they're smiling because of the fucking masks. There's this "STAY AWAY FROM ME" vibe that you can really feel. It's deplorable. What it also is is the coming of the Beast System. We're there. The good news is that people are waking up. You damn sure don't wake up overnight, and it's a very painful process, but nevertheless people are waking up.] [One such person came by the other day. I ordered delivery and they sent a very nice and very attractive woman. I grabbed her photo and did all kinds of stuff to it to hide her identity, because I'm sure she violated protocol and she's the last person I'd want to get in trouble. I really wanted to post it because I really dimmed it and blurred it a bit and did other effects so you coudn't tell who it was, only that she had a very beautiful smile, but the background was very distinct. I may be paranoid but I want to protect her identity. I know who she is and that's all that really matters anyway.] [There was a knock at the door and my dog and I answered. There stood a very attractive woman. Right off the bat she earned serious bonus points- she wasn't wearing a mask. It was so nice to see a stranger's smile for a change. Instantly I got a really good vibe from her. My dog gave her the "family wag" so I knew she was cool, and probably had dogs of her own. Sure enough she leaned down to pat Mr. B and started telling me about her dogs. I asked her if she ever used treats and she said she used them every day. I told her about mine and she perked up when she heard the word "organic." I knew she was cool.] [I told her that if she'd give me half a minute to grab a baggie I'd load her up a sample, and she said she'd love some. "It may be violating policy" I said, "but you're welcome to come in for a second." "I'm not afraid" she said, and walked right in. What a concept. "I'm really glad to hear that" I said. "I noticed you weren't wearing a mask" I said. "Masks don't protect you from anything" she replied. "You're awake, aren't you?" I asked. "Yep" she replied. "I hate to see everyone living in fear" she continued. "Well, I'm glad to see it's not quite everyone" I said. She held out her hand and I shook it. Hallelujah. I wanted to give her a hug and I bet she'd have accepted.] [I was thrilled to meet her and I think she was pleased to meet me too. She was ten years younger, which is certainly not out of my wheelhouse. I seriously can't believe it but I didn't look for a ring, and that's standard procedure. I need to tighten-up my game. She's exactly the type of woman I'd be looking for, at least from the initial meeting. She's probably married with three kids but you never know. I sure made sure to give her my contact info along with a generous sample of dog treats. Maybe I should've told her I can cook for humans too. That usually impresses the ladies. I'll probably never see her again but it sure was a breath of fresh air meeting her. What's even better is that she's a charming and pleasant woman who certainly appears to have her act together, and she's the kind of person people will listen to. She could wake me up, that's for damn sure.] [Cheers, awake sister. It was great meeting you. Maybe we'll talk again soon, but if not I'm glad you're in this world. God bless.]

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