Friday, June 21, 2024

Why Hate on God?

My main info guy came on last night with his Thursday night show, and as usual he blew my mind, although his views are the same as mine, after over a quarter-century of research. 

 He's basically a clearing house for all that stuff. Almost every show he talks about something I've been thinking about, even sometimes blogging about. In fact I just did a post about this topic.

 I often wonder why people spend so much time and energy hating on and mocking God, when they don't believe in Him. It's misspent anger in my book, and they could use that energy for something positive.

 I figured it was mainly due to the influence of the "other guy," but Mike was saying that he thinks it's because deep down they know there's a possibility that God is real, and if so they know that their lifestyle is probably not pleasing to Him, and that's why they react like that. Good point Mike. I say that about other things, such as resistance to "waking up." The "Bell of Truth" is ringing in their heads, even though they try to mute it. BTW the good guys win in the end. Read the book. God bless you!


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