Sunday, June 2, 2024

Friends/Not Friends

I'm in dire straits, and I don't mean that Mark Knopfler is getting the band back together and has asked me to play drums. I wish.

 In a couple of weeks I'll be homeless. I wish it were a joke but it's not. With all of this, plus just losing a BFF and for all practical purposes my mom, I think it's literally by the grace of God that I haven't lost what's left of my sanity. I'm not very happy right now, but that's the way the cookie crumbles...that is unless you get the soft-baked kind.

 Yet again I'll say that I've been incredibly blessed by my friends, and I've bragged on them all my life. If I had a dollar for every time I've thanked God for them I'd have a few grand in my pocket, which at this point would really help. They really do care about me, as I do them, and they've been offering suggestions and whatnot, and trying to help in any way they can. Thank you God. There's another imaginary dollar.

 At the same time there are also a few people I know personally who'll be thrilled to know this. They're the type of people who get off on the suffering of others. It's hard to imagine people who are truly that sick, pathetic and evil, but they exist, and I know a few.

 The issue for them is that if the biblical narrative is true, and there's a 50-50 chance it is, then the afterlife isn't going to be kind to them at all, whether they believe it or not. I don't wish bad things on them at all, and I believe that judgement isn't my business. I don't hate them, and as hard as it is to do I've forgiven them. Having hate in your heart will eat you alive. Maybe I'm about to be homeless, but at least I don't get off on other people's pain. It's evil. I got news for you...that's the Devil right there. Stay safe and God bless.

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