Saturday, June 29, 2024


This is Cow, and he's been with me for almost 30 years. Back in 1995 I rented a cool carriage house. I talked to the girl who was living there and went over to check it out. She answered the door and I almost fell over. She was stunning, and I could tell immediately that it was that deep beauty that goes all the way to the soul. She was really cool and she was a total sweetheart.

 The first thing I noticed, besides that sister, was that the entire place was done up in cows- wallpaper, pictures, name it; it was all cow. Cow was one of a matching pair that hung outside the bathroom door. I commented on how cool they looked guarding the bathroom. She told me what the story was with her and cows but I forgot the deal. 

 We talked for a long time and we got along well, even though she was ten years younger. I went over a time or two after that and helped her move some of the big stuff. She was awesome. I wished she'd have decided to stay if she could find a roommate, which I wished could've been me. 

 When I went in after she'd left, the place was empty, except for Cow. I got a huge grin. She'd left him for me. I love it when things like that happen, and it was like she'd left a bit of her vibe with me. I had no problem with that. "Howdy Cow" I said. "Nice to see you again." 

 Since that place, Cow and I have been in three different places- our old home and two apartments. I'm about to move out, so Cow and I are embarking on another journey. We'll be in a townhouse for a month but after that I don't know where we'll be. Wherever it is, Cow will have pride of place. I can't believe how cool and thoughtful that sister was. She's my kind of person. 

 Whenever Cow and I land on our hooves I'll do another post. We don't know where that might be, but it's onward and upward. It's been an interesting journey, and I'm glad Cow's been with me. Here's to you and me partner...and to the road ahead. And here's to that kind, sweet sister who left him for me. I'd imagine she's kept her motif. I'm sure she'd be glad to know I've taken care of Cow. Cheers, sister!


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