Sunday, June 2, 2024

A Few Things I Care About

We all go through tough stuff, and my problems aren't special, but I did get hit with a bunch of shit at once, and it's not over yet. I'm looking down the barrel of being homeless in a couple of weeks, and that's not good. I've never been in this boat before, and I haven't read Handbook for the Homeless. 

 Although a few people don't think it counts for much, I've looked after my folks for the last 16 years and just like that it's over. I put aside my way of making income and doing what I enjoy for the sake of others, and while I did make some money from my products, even in 2020, it dwindled down to nothing. 2023 was the first year since I got my first job at 15 that I didn't make a penny from selling my stuff or playing music or anything else, and it flipped me out. 

 An old song says: "I beg your pardon...I never promised you a rose garden." True that. Life, the Universe, God...nothing and nobody owe me a damn thing. You'd think Karma might throw me a bone, but I don't think it necessarily works out to be even all the time. A miracle? I'll take it.

 If I have to leave with everything I own in a backpack, or God forbid I croak or get thrown in jail for "hate speech" or whatever other bullshit, I do have a few things left, and a couple of things have value. I'll go through and leave notes on what my instruments and things are worth, and there's some "artwork" that's okay, but to me there's only a few things I really care about. Obviously El Doggo is #1.

 This is a Peace Lily that I rescued from our old home. It's at least 40 years old. Over the years it grew from a 6" seedling into a massive plant that fills three pots. I trimmed it up and it's not so huge. Anything that's been around that long means something to me, especially with plants. 

 I hope the plants will mean enough to someone that they'll take them. BTW if I don't get around to it, the two other cuttings besides this one need to be repotted with fresh soil. No Miracle Grow or chemical shit like that please. Thanks so much. 

 I also have a scrawny Mimosa tree that I planted as a seedling about three years ago. They don't like being replanted and the leaves turned yellow and the branches fell off. I never dug it up but I thought it was dead. It was a bare twig, and I left it outside all that Winter, and never watered it or anything. The following Spring I noticed a green spot on the tip that I thought was a little caterpillar but it was new leaves growing out. 

 I took good care of it and kept it watered, but for some reason the branches have fallen off and regrown four times, and it may be happening again. It's mostly just a curved skinny trunk with a few branches at the top, but it's definitely a survivor.

Here's the pot it's growing in right now. It comes with two free Potheads (Moongazers).  I hope someone will at least replant it somewhere if need be. Thanks.

 The last thing is my fish. I have a 5.5 gallon jar with a couple of these guys along with some Cherry Shrimp. They're called Asian Stone Catfish or Moth Catfish, and they're the smallest known catfish. They're rare, since the only come from one place, and you never see them in pet stores because unlike tropical fish, which need temps of 78-80F, these are coldwater fish, and need temps of around 65-70F. 

 They're cool little fish. They're just over an inch long full-grown. They can live up to 7 years or more. These guys are about two years old. Anyone who might take them would probably know a bit about fishkeeping, but it might not be easy to keep the tank from getting over about 70F. I'd hate to see them get flushed down the toilet. That's probably what needs to happen to me, but these fish don't deserve that at all. 

 Hopefully I can find a good home for my dog if I have to, but I wish I could find homes for the plants and fish. I know there are people to whom things like this mean something. Hopefully I can find them. 


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