Friday, June 21, 2024

Do All Dogs Go to Heaven? / NDEs

Most people have read accounts of people who code on the operating table or whatever, and supposedly go to Heaven or Hell before they're revived. Those who supposedly go to Heaven come back all smiles and tell stories of a wonderful place. Those who go in the other direction come back scared shitless. 

 People will say that's it's nothing but imagination or an hallucination, and they may be right. We do know that the brain is flooded with crazy chemicals just before the moment of death, including DMT, one of the most powerful hallucinogens known. That could absolutely be the case, and then again there's a 50-50 chance it's real. 

 If it's just the brain tripping, besides the similar stories, then why do those people never fear death again for the rest of their lives? In fact they're ready to stay forever, although many say that they were told that they still had "unfinished business" on Earth, and they reluctantly go back. They believe it's real, whether it actually is or not. Recently I read a story that hit home.

 This person said that animals do indeed go to Heaven, and they're waiting patiently for us should we make it there. Some say that animals don't go to Heaven because they don't have souls like we do. Maybe an animal's "soul" isn't the same as ours, but depending on which definition of "soul" we use, my dog has more soul in his paw than some people have in their whole bodies. 

 They said that while animals aren't given the ability to talk, like in the movie Dr. Doolittle, they're able to understand everything we say, and can respond in a way we can understand. Isn't that interesting? It's certainly a lovely thought whether it's true or not, and I'm going with it. 

 The thought of spending eternity with my best buddy gives me great joy, and will ease the pain a bit if he dies before me, and these days you never know. That's the only thing I'd humbly ask of the Father. I guess we'll see. Or not. 

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