Saturday, June 15, 2024

Those Who Mock

Madonna recently did a photo shoot for Vanity Fair, which I call "Satanity Fair," and it's pure blasphemy. It's far from the only example we've seen. It's been going on for decades at least, and I believe it's going to get way worse. 

 I obviously believe in freedom of speech and expression, as long as no one gets hurt. Even things like this, which sadden me greatly, shouldn't be suppressed. People died to defend Madonna's right to free speech. I defend it too.

 It's perfectly okay to mock Jesus these days, but just try to mock any other figure..."Mo," "Bud." "Al" or any of them and see what happens. Do you think you might possibly get flagged, or worse? Mock Al and they'll put a hit on your ass. Just ask Salman Rushdie. 

 I don't go mocking Satan. I believe he's real and I know better than to mess with him, not out of fear, because I know the name that makes him flee in terror, but because it's totally pointless and stupid. Why would you provoke things? They certainly have no fear of mocking Jesus. Maybe they should. 

 In fact it's all the rage to mock Jesus these days. It's one thing for those people to do it, but when most of the general public doesn't have a problem with it and doesn't even see it as blasphemy, just as "entertainment," I don't think it's a good thing. No matter what a person's beliefs are, there's a thing called a moral compass, and so many people have lost direction.

 Those people can mock away. As far as I know none of them have been struck by lightning yet, and maybe nothing will happen at all. In fact, maybe there's nothing to mock, and God and the Devil aren't real, although I believe they are. As I've said a million times, either God is real or He isn't, which is a 50-50 chance. I'm not sure I'd mess with those odds. If the biblical narrative happens to be true, then things might not work out so well for these folks in the end.

 You know what they say...payback is Hell. I'd add also that eternity is a long, long time. I'd watch it.


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