Thursday, May 30, 2024


Last night I watched one of the heaviest movies I've ever seen in my life. The name of the movie is "Nefarious." I knew it was going to be intense but I had no idea. The premise of the movie is nothing new to me, but I'm glad I said a little prayer before I watched it. 

 I've never been into slasher movies and I haven't watched a horror movie since probably The Omen, but to me the movie was brutal. There were some very disturbing scenes near the end, and it would've been just as intense of a movie had they left those scenes out, but it's meant to show the sheer evil and cruelty of the Devil, and bloody Hell if they didn't succeed. The ending was a welcomed relief.

 It centers around a condemned man who's set to be executed, and the psychiatrist who's there to evaluate him. If he's found to be sane, it's over for him but if he's found to be insane, his life will be spared. Oh, and he's also allegedly possessed by a demon. If it were just a movie about a prisoner who's about to die and a shrink, it'd be just plain morbid and depressing. It's the possession thing that's the deal. What's important is that it says that there's an antidote to all this evi, and that God is way more powerful than the Devil, and ultimately we don't need to fear him.

 I watched it on the recommendation of several Catholic priests who are exorcists, and are guests on several YouTube channels I sub to. By the by if you happen to be on the fence about whether or not the Devil is real, you might want to listen to what they have to say about it, and if you want to go deeper, check out what some of the psychologists and psychiatrists who've thoroughly examined some of these people who are deemed to be genuinely possessed have to say.

 Let's just say that before they got into that particular area, most of them didn't believe in God, and certainly not the Devil, but they do now. Understandably many of them don't want to talk about it publicly for fear of hurting their careers, but some of them do talk about it, and you can find them on YouTube if you're interested. I can assure you that even if you doubt the existence of God and Satan, it'll have you at least scratching your head. 

 It was recommended because these priests say from experience that it's the best portrayal of demonic possession they've ever seen. There's no pea soup spewing everywhere or heads spinning around and whatnot that's usually featured in movies that deal with this topic. It relies very little on special effects, but the two instances when they occur are very effective, as when this light bulb shatters, which is "probably just a coincidence," as the prisoner says. 

 For most of the time the demon is speaking through Edward, the condemned man, but sometimes the demon lets Edward come out. It's almost a little cliche to hear the difference- when the demon speaks his voice is clear and rational, but when Edward speaks he becomes childlike, with obvious mental and emotional problems. The part was brilliantly played by Sean Patrick Flanery. 

 There's some "inside information," where the demon says things that reference the Bible, and which only someone who's studied this stuff would know. I'd agree with the priests who recommended this does seem to be a very accurate portrayal of demonic possession. The demon talks about how we as a society have been desensitized to evil to the point that we don't see it when it's right in front of our faces, and I agree completely.

 Whether or not you believe as I do that it's all by design, and part of Satan's plan, we know for a fact that all of these dark movies, music videos, video games and the like have desensitized us all to evil. It truly blows my mind how most people simply accept it as "entertainment." Some will say that this movie falls into that category but it's a completely different thing. There's a powerful message of hope, and basically the good guys win in the end.

 They bring up a fantastic point that I'd never thought of, and that's that people who are Atheists, and don't believe in the Devil, aren't immune to his influence and can still be harmed. The demon laughs at the fact that Atheists think that not believing in God or Satan makes them immune. Just because we don't believe in something doesn't mean it doesn't exist, and could potentially harm us. What a great point. 

 The movie has been a surprise hit, even among people who don't believe that God and the Devil are real. It's still a very entertaining flick whether you believe or not. I'm sure that some of those people who watch this movie will reexamine their beliefs, but even if they don't believe that the Devil is real, they'll think that if he is real, he's not a very nice guy. Evil is well represented in this movie, and they did an incredible job of it. It restates everything I've learned about the Devil since I was a teenager.

 Aside from the fact that some people love scary movies, why would we want to watch a movie that gets downright gruesome at times? Again, it illustrates the unbridled evil and cruelty of the Devil, and it just might make some people rethink their views. If the Bible is true, isn't it better to be frightened while we're on Earth, rather than for all of eternity? If this earthly life is just the blink of an eye, and eternity is the real deal, then it's a very good thing. This movie will no doubt lead some people to Christ. 

 The thing about how Satan is portrayed in most of these movies, and how Satanist see him, is way different from how he's portrayed in this movie. Satanists believe that God is the bad guy, and Lucifer is "misunderstood" and everything. Interestingly most Satanists know the Bible better than most "Christians," since they recite Bible verses backward.

 It says that Satan is the "father of lies." Apparently they don't believe that part, even though that's the key to the whole thing, and in some people's view, why the world is how it is. The Bible says that for now, the Devil rules this world, and since he's the father of lies, what else should we expect? 

 I've said a million times that I believe that the "Official Narrative" is at least 80% pure bullshit, and the truth is being revealed as we speak, but I support someone's right to believe whatever they wish. It's funny though, how the very same people who tell me not to believe everything I hear on the Internet, as if they think I'm actually that stupid, are the very same people who never have even once questioned the "Official Narrative." I don't think that's healthy.

 Although it's frowned upon these days, we should question EVERYTHING, even our own beliefs. That's what I do, and I've changed my beliefs several times, when new info has been presented. So far though I believe that both God and Satan are very real, and I doubt that belief will change. 

 Unless someone simply can't tolerate things that are evil and gruesome, and good on them, I'd recommend that everyone see this movie. I think it's incredibly well done, and it's quite entertaining. It portrays Satan as a vicious and cruel entity, and not like Satanists see him, as "misunderstood" or whatever. No matter your beliefs, you just might question them after seeing this movie, and again it'll no doubt lead some people to Christ. It's a hell of a ride either way. 

 If you want to watch it it's completely free on several platforms including tubi. You can watch it HERE. Whether we know it or not, and this is if the biblical narrative is real, at some point we'll ALL have to choose between God or Satan, and eternity is a very, very, very long time. Choose wisely my friend. God bless. 




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