Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Maybe Reincarnation is Real

Although I can't say with 100% certainty that anything is or isn't real, and I give both sides their say on things, I've never believed that reincarnation is real, up until now. Part of it is because a book I've read says that it is appointed for us to "unalive" but once, and beyond that, what's the point? Nirvana? Pfffft.

 There are fascinating stories of "past-life regression" and kids having "memories," if that's what they are, of past incidents that there's no way they could have prior knowledge of, but they're pretty rare, and probably 99.99999999999% of all people on Earth, if reincarnation is real, have no knowledge or memories of past lives. 

 If it were real, it'd be really cool if we could remember past lives. The goal of reincarnation is to become a better creature, whatever that may be, each time we go around. It'd give us something to shoot for, but since that doesn't happen to most people, I don't get why it'd exist. Then again there's a lot I don't get, but what's the point of recycling souls if we don't learn anything? I'm sure there's some philosophy that explains it, but I don't know.

 The past-life memories and such happen too often to dismiss as chance, so you have to consider it. It makes for a pretty good case for reincarnation being real, but then again it could also be something different, like tapping into the "Collective Consciousness" or whatever it is, where time isn't linear, and everything exists at once. 

 When it comes to Karma, I've said before that while I believe the basic idea, and that we reap what we sow and what comes around goes around, I don't necessarily think that it always works out evenly, like there's some karmic scorekeeper. Maybe it's part of reincarnation, and if bad things happen to someone, either they're paying the penalty for their last life, or going through it so they'll have a better next life...who knows? 

 To have to pay for what you did in another life, which you have no memory of and has no bearing on your current life, seems pretty bogus to me. It's not fair, but who said life, or reincarnation, was fair? One thing I can say for it is that it assumes we have souls.

 Maybe Karma isn't affected by time either. Maybe it's retroactive, and people get their good Karma in advance, but for whatever reason the bad Karma comes later. For me, when you consider what I've been through and given up for the sake of others over the last 16 years, and I'm well aware that we ALL have our problems and mine aren't special, you'd think that Karma might throw me a bone, but that hasn't happened.

 Maybe I got all my good Karma in years past and now I'm paying for it, but I can say that no matter what happens, for what it's worth I'll always have some love left in my old heart to the bitter end, and love is the most powerful force in the Universe, no matter how many times we do or don't go 'round.

 I'm starting to believe that reincarnation is real after all, and if that's so, one thing's for sure, going by the last 16 years anyway...I was an absolute POS in my last life. As I have no memories though, I don't know whom I might have been an asshole to, but if so I apologize. Maybe I'll come back next time as a cow, and live in India. I certainly hope so. Have a nice life, or next one as the case may be.

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