Sunday, February 18, 2024


For several years my main info guy has been saying that we were on the verge of seeing crazy things in the sky and here on Earth that will change our entire views and how we think about things. If he's right, they'll come out with the "Official Explanation" as to what's going on, but I'd take it with a grain of salt. They lie to us, and we'd be extremely naive to think otherwise. 

 He thinks that 2024 will probably be the year that we finally start seeing this stuff right in front of our faces and it'll be impossible to deny, although he says it could possibly be 2025. I've been following him for at least seven years. He's a guest on a YT channel once a week, and I've never missed a single show. Information is like food to me. 

 Like the majority of the other "Truthers" I follow, not everything he's said will happen has happened yet, but he hasn't been wrong about anything so far. He's been early or late a few times on something but that's it. 

 When I was three our folks would take my sister and me out onto the lawn to watch meteor showers. That, plus a Bible verse that caught my attention, where it said that one day we'd see "Signs in the Heavens," started me on a lifelong journey of sky-watching that's lasted from age three to about 15 minutes ago when I was looking at the sunset. My guy talks about the sky and the solar system and beyond on every show, which is another reason I love him. The things he "predicts" really do happen. 

 He thinks we'll start seeing new objects in the sky by this year or next. Those of us who watch the sky every day, day and night, are able to see changes in the sky that most people wouldn't notice, and satellite images, radar, photos, charts and such back it up. We've seen, and recorded, things that we haven't seen in our lifetimes. It's getting busy up there. 

 Speaking of busy up there, info guy believes that we'll see intense meteor storms (not showers) beginning this year or early next. I have to mention again the Leonid shower of 1975 that I watched with my girlfriend. I'm guessing we saw at least 1,000 meteors over several hours...everything from pea-sized streaks all the way up to baseball-sized fireballs, in every color of the rainbow, one after another...some chasing each other, coming two and three at once and some exploding with a loud report. It was like something out of Star Wars but more intense because it was real. Info guy says that showers like that will become routine. That'll be some shit if it's true. 

 We haven't seen any actual meteor storms in out lifetimes, but in case you think it's never happened, here's an image from the Leonid shower of 1833. It's my favorite woodcut of all time. Needless to say lots of people freaked out and some thought Chicken Little was right and it was the end of the world. I imagine that such a meteor storm would catch people's attention just the same today.

 Over the last several years they've gradually been putting out articles about various objects being discovered both in and around our solar system. They tell us that most of them are well beyond the orbit of Pluto, but they've also said that objects have been discovered in the Asteroid Belt, the Oort Cloud and yes, the Orion Nebula. We don't know yet whether we'll see strange objects in the sky or not, but when I look skyward on a clear night I look up first to Orion. I love the Orion Constellation anyway. Heads-up. 


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