Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Me and Lisa in Hearts: Valentine's Day

I decided to hop on and play a few hands of Hearts while I listened to a podcast, and saw some hearts, the Valentine kind, pop up on the screen. I'd forgotten what day it was. 

 So Bill there wished Lisa a Happy Valentine's Day. Bill's married, so I'm sure it was just friendly, although my knee-jerk reaction was to tell him to back off. "She's MY 8-bit Valentine, Bill man! Take a hike."

 Bill's cool. The problem is that Lisa got all hearty-eyed, and I don't know what to make of that. I've never known her to take any special interest in Bill, and I wouldn't think she'd mess around with a married man to begin with, but I guess you never know. It's all good.

 Grouchy-ass Mike wasn't in a very festive mood. Dude, you got nothing better to do than play cards? It's Valentine's Day bro. I've never figured out Mike's nationality. He's pretty dark-skinned, but with Caucasian-ish features. Maybe they don't celebrate Valentine's Day in his homeland, or maybe he forgot to get his wife a card, but he's a buzzkill today. Go play Solitaire. 

 I kept waiting for my character to say something, but he never did. Say what? I didn't even open my dumbass mouth? How could I possibly be that shy? I talk to real women okay. Lisa is just a cartoon. Oh, well. Happy Valentine's Day!

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