Saturday, February 3, 2024

Crazy Tour Stories?

This is Luana Dametto. She plays in a Metal band called Crypta. I discovered her a couple years ago, when I became fascinated with Metal drummers and the superhuman shit they can play. Although I'd have no interest in learning that style except just to be able to do it, I really like her playing. 

 She's not quite as busy as many other Metal drummers and she doesn't play as fast, but she's super-tight, and she has a bit more of a "groove" than so many of them, even though there's not much groove in Metal to begin with.

 She also plays the same brand of cymbals I play, and she loves them like I do. She seems like a decent person and she's certainly easy on the eyes. I don't care for the inverted pentagrams and all that Satanic shit she wears, but they all do.

 One of her vids was titled "A crazy Tour Story," and of course I had to click. I have one or two crazy road stories myself, and like I've said, I've read a million stories about Rock craziness. Some of them are pretty good, but for the most part the difference between their stories and mine is that they had more money, drugs, booze and women. Aside from that I'd stack my adventures up against anyone's. 

 When I heard she had a "crazy tour story" I figured it'd be a good one. She's in a popular Metal band so she's bound to have seen some crazy things, plus I thought it might be good to hear a story from a woman's perspective. I clicked on the video, thinking "What you got, sister?" Turns out it was a total waste of a click. 

 Her "crazy tour story" was that when her band was playing in the Czech Republic, she woke up one morning thinking that they were in Mexico. She noted that the people seemed to be way too light-skinned to be Mexican and that they didn't speak Spanish, but otherwise she couldn't figure it out. Wow, that's just cra-cra. "I thought I was in Mexico but I'm really in the Czech Republic. Oops."

 Sorry hun, but that's lame, and I'm not sure I'd even tell that story. If I heard it I'd probably think she'd gotten into a little too much Mezcal the night before. I might even think she was a little bit dingy, but I sure wouldn't be blown away by her story. She needs to get a few more gigs under her belt, and have some decent stuff to write about. I'll take my stories over hers any day, even if she's a better drummer. In any case, rock on. There are more stories to tell.

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