Friday, December 24, 2021

Thump to Expose Deep State?

Former president Thump just dropped a bombshell. He announced that on January 6th I believe, he's going to "expose" the Deep State. That's a bit of a shocker to me, and these days I'm not easily shocked. Although I await his speech with baited breath, I seriously doubt he'll expose shit, but one never knows. He certainly never "drained the swamp." To be fair, if you got rid of every slimy fuck in DC, you might have half a dozen people left in office, if that many. They're all Creepy-Crawlies. 

 The deal here is, no matter what you think of Frump, just the fact that he mentioned the Deep State at all should wake people up. It should also make some of the things some people say sound a hell of a lot less crazy. If you've heard that the Deep State is just a "conspiracy theory," then you've heard wrong. It's very, very real. You don't make speeches on "conspiracy theories." Wake up, y'all. Do it. We need you! 

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