Wednesday, December 29, 2021

The Green Goo Strikes Again

What's this overhead image of crazy swells in the ocean? A satellite image of Greenland? An strange, alien landscape? No, it's my famous Green Goo. Looks pretty gnarly, huh? Usually it's an even shade of green, and has a waxy appearance like chocolate, but when kept in the fridge, sometimes the coconut oil rises to the top and solidifies. I think it looks kinda cool. 

 About a month ago I made a batch for a neighbor's dog Blue. Blue is getting up there in years, but he's a sweetheart, and he and I get along like gangbusters. I met Blue and his human Jonathan about two years ago, and I see them walking all the time. We always stop to talk. Great dog...great human.

 Some months back Jonathan told me that Blue was having some joint pain, and couldn't walk as far as usual. He didn't want to put him on a bunch of anti-inflammatories like the vet suggested, and I don't blame him. I suggested Turmeric and black pepper. He said he'd heard of it and would give it a try. He started adding it to Blue's food. Over the next two months or so he told me that Blue was getting around better, and seemed to be feeling much better. He started taking Turmeric himself, and has also been pleased with the human results. 

 Over the past few years I've given the Green Goo to several dogs, and in all cases the results have been impressive. My friend Scott has a Golden named Jessie. Jessie and I bonded like nobody's business, and Scott remarked on that. At the time, Jesse was 13. He'd gotten a bit lethargic, and wasn't eating well. We were rehearsing once a week at his house for an upcoming gig. He told me about Jesse's situation, and the next week I took him some Goo. I didn't hear anything until a week later. The first words out of his mouth were "You're a wizard. You should sell that stuff." Maybe I should. After one week, Jesse was eating fine, and even playing with his toys again. Scott was impressed. 

 So I gave some to Jonathan. I started to get worried, because I didn't see him and Blue for a week, then two, then three. I was wondering if something had happened to Blue. I ran into them on Christmas day, and it was a great gift. He said he'd changed his schedule, and they were taking a different route because they were walking more. He brought up the Goo. He said "Man, that stuff works too well." It turns out that Blue got so frisky that he started running again, and that's good, but then he fell a couple of times, and that's bad.

 Blue was fine, and he was glad to see me. I sure was glad to see him. I felt awful that he'd fallen, but it did prove that the Green Goo is legit. Jonathan has also started taking a little bit of the stuff himself, before he runs. It's made from 100% people-quality ingredients, like my treats, and like the treats, it's a "secret weapon." In a crisis situation, the treats and the Goo would become the ultimate survival food, for humans too. It's food that multitasks. Plus it's tasty, especially the treats. I like them warm from the oven, with a pinch of pink salt. I'll cut some chunks of the Goo after it's solidified in the fridge, and give some to my mom to feed to the dog. I've caught her eating a chunk or two herself. That's excellent. 

 I'm super-grateful for the knowledge and experience I've gained over the years, and I get great joy helping animals, and people too. It's the only reward I want. I never ask (or receive) a penny for what I give to people, and believe me, the ingredients aren't cheap. I use the finest, purest ingredients I can find, and I use organic whenever possible. There's nothing special about me...all glory goes to God, and certainly to my folks, who did things like that all their lives, and led by example. Still I'm proud of it. 

 I love people and I love animals, and to some degree I think maybe I was put here to help them. About a dozen people whom I've helped over the years have looked me in the eye and said the exact same thing..."You're a Shaman," and they mean it. It's an incredible honor to hear that, and if it's bragging, I apologize, but it's pretty badass either way. It's funny how certain family members say that it's just a coincidence, and all my information, gathered over decades, is invalid because "I'm not a doctor." I wonder what they'd say about these stories. They could definitely use a little dose of my medicine. 

 I doubt the people or the animals I've helped have a problem with the fact that I'm not a doctor, and the results speak for themselves. I've paid my dues, literally, as far as giving away expensive stuff for free is concerned. There's no reason I couldn't sell it. I'd still rather give it away that not give it away just because I'm not getting reimbursed. Whatever knowledge my dumbass brain may hold I believe in sharing freely with anyone who may be looking, but high-end, organic ingredients are priceyAF. Have a nice day y'all, and when in doubt, Do the Goo. "To your very good health!" - Keith Emerson


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