Thursday, December 30, 2021

Could the Sun Go Dark?

If you've read the Book of Revelation, you know that it reads like something the most out-there Sci-Fi writers couldn't write while having nightmares. It says that the Sun will go dark and the Moon will turn to blood. It says that the stars won't give off light. That's some shit. Could it really happen?

 It certainly could, and it's been recorded in other solar systems. One thing would have to be true though, and it's a hot topic of debate right now.  Planet X, Nibiru, Wormwood, Darkstar, Red Dragon, Nemesis or whatever you want to call it would have to be real, and there's all kinds of evidence that it is. 

 This is an image from the Stereo-A satellite I believe. If you look to the 2:00 position you'll see what appears to be a sphere, aka a planetary body. It appears to be half-lit by the Sun, just like a planet or a moon would be. I can say that it's not any sort of glitch, for the uneducated masses that will see this and automatically say "It's fake! It's fake!" Similar images can be found on every satellite telescope focused on the Sun. There are thousands of images, and many are more sinister-looking than this one, but it's the only one I could find quickly, and it's plenty clear.

 I got into looking at these charts at the end of 2015, which was perfect, because it was right before all these crazy anomalies kicked-into high gear, and I was able to get a baseline. In other words I was able to see what normal images should look like, and basically how they've looked since these cameras have been up. All this stuff showed up within the last five years or so, and it's not just solar charts, it's weather charts, meteor charts, Ionosphere charts and everything else...they're all going berserk.

 BTW if you're new to these images, the black blob is called the Occultor. It blocks out the light from the Sun and its corona, so the light won't overwhelm the cameras at that setting. It's meant to focus on solar flares, CMEs and such. Other cameras show images of the Sun itself. The white circle in the middle shows the size of the Sun. Whatever the object is, it's roughly half the size of the Sun. If it is a planetary body, it's not "Planet X." It would be one of the many, many planets and moons orbiting it. 

 If it's true then our Sun has a twin, hence the "binary system." Unlike our Sun it's a Brown Dwarf, and puts out no visible light. It is visible with IR telescopes, and they've moved dozens of extra-strength IR telescopes to the South Pole, which is the direction the planetary system is coming from, if it's real. They say that of all the solar systems they've discovered, over 70% are binary systems, and they speculate that all of them are binary systems, but, as with PX, the orbit is so distant that they just haven't yet found the twin in the other 30%. If that's true then we can be pretty certain PX is real. 

Actually I did have another image from a different satellite, and this image looks a bit more menacing. This shows a CME reacting to an object. The Sun doesn't react to glitches. There's something out there, folks. Okay, but how could the Sun go dark? 

 There's a reason you're not supposed to mix fresh batteries with used ones in any device. Whenever any two objects with unequal electrical fields- batteries, magnets or stars, get close enough to each other, electrical energy is instantly exchanged. Everything in the Universe wants to achieve balance, and energy flows from the more-powerful field to the weaker one, until both fields more or less become equal.

 If you have something that takes four AA batteries but you only have two, you could put the two good ones in with two dead ones and complete the circuit, but the dead batteries will instantly drain the fresh ones, until they all have an equal but tiny charge, and are useless. You might get enough juice to power a radio for a bit, but they'll die quickly. It's the same thing with stars, and they can affect each other from huge distances apart. Could that same effect really make our Sun go completely dark? Absolutely, and as I said, it's been observed in other solar systems. 

 If a Brown Dwarf star came close enough to a more powerful star like our Sun, it would almost instantly "drain" the Sun until the electrical fields of both stars were roughly equal. You might get the net-effect of ending up with two Red Dwarf stars, which are a notch up in energy from a Brown Dwarf, or two Brown Dwarf stars with a little extra juice, but that's only my unschooled opinion.

 The Sun releases energy in the form of photons, which we perceive as light, heat and energy. Normally these photons are released in all directions, but if a Brown Dwarf were to get close, it would literally suck all of the photons toward it, and very few would escape its grasp. The Sun would basically become a dead battery, as long as the other star remains close enough to affect it, before looping around and heading back into outer space, and theoretically the Sun would eventually return to at least semi-normal.  

 Could the stars go dark too? Apparently the effect is strong enough to suck in the photons that reach Earth (as light) from distant stars, so yes. What about the Moon "turning to blood?" Another interesting phenomenon occurs in which red light, the shortest wavelength in the light-spectrum, isn't completely absorbed, and would still reach Earth and the Moon, bathing both in a deep, intense, blood-red color. It'd be like being in a darkroom, lit by a red bulb, for possibly up to several days. They say that would make a lot of people go crazy in short-order. 

 The Good Book says this will happen, and what do you's actually backed-up by science (SCIENCE). It's been observed and recorded. It all hinges on whether or not "Planet X" is real, and there's considerable evidence to show it is. It's mentioned in the Bible (Wormwood, The Destroyer, etc.) and almost universally in other ancient texts. 

It's mentioned in ancient Chinese Astronomy (the Red Dragon), Hopi writings (the Red and Blue Cochinas, etc.) and in many other texts from around the world. I can say this for sure...all this insane weather is MUCH more likely to be caused by the influence of Planet X than soccer moms. Wake up. Oh, and as I've said before, back when it was well-recorded in Chinese Astronomy writings, they took Astronomy so seriously that if an Astronomer made even a tiny mistake, they were put to death. I doubt that someone who could be beheaded for dropping a decimal point would make up anything, much less an imaginary solar system, coming in to fuck us all up. That would never have happened. Yet it was recorded in ancient Chinese texts, complete with illustrations. 

 The reason I'm talking about this isn't about fear, and for the millionth time, there's a BIG difference between trying to scare someone and giving them a heads-up. It's fascinating that this is mentioned in the Bible. Just another "coincidence?" If you say so. If you're aware that that it's mentioned in the Bible, then if, God forbid, it should start to happen, if you don't believe in God, maybe you'll change your mind, because that connection is dead-on, and hard to ignore. If things get to that point, I think we'll all be fucked long before it happens anyway, or hopefully all "raptured-up."

 So what to scared? Hell, no. I'd say to get right with God, or at least read the Book of Revelation, only not right before bedtime. Not only does it read like it was written by the best Sci-Fi writer, tripping balls, but it's also a laundry-list of exactly what's going on today. You can literally tick the boxes, and if you can read all that and still say it's coincidence, you'll be repeating that word over and over and over. To me the Bible is like a futuristic roadmap. Why would it mention the Sun going dark? 

 Good question, but it's happened in other solar systems, and almost certainly ours too, in the distant past. If it happens again, at least you'll have heard about it, and maybe you won't freak out as much, right? Knowledge is power, man. We should look up more. Soon we may have no choice. Heads-up.
Get right with God.



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