Friday, December 24, 2021

Cosmic Coincidences: My Mom's "Snake-Eyes" Story

My mom has an interesting story about one day when her friends were playing a game where rolling dice was involved. Mom wasn't really into it and hadn't joined them on that day. Apparently you got more than one roll at a time, and rolling snake eyes is a good thing. 

 I don't remember if it was mom's Jewish, non-Jewish friends or both, but she'd been trying to hip a few of them to Christ, and they were discussing it. When it was one lady's turn she jokingly said "If Marilyn (my mom) were here, she'd say "Lord, let me roll three Snake Eyes in a row." They all laughed, but right before their eyes that's exactly what she did. Their mouths fell agape. 

 Mom and I were talking about that the other day. I knew from rolling my share of dice that that very rarely happens, and got to pondering on what the odds were. I can't find the article I read so I can't give a 1-in-whatever number it was. I recall it was an interesting number but it seemed a bit small. I just found another article that says the probability is .00002, or roughly the same as flipping a coin and having it land either heads or tails, 16 times in a row. I've flipped my share of coins too, and I can't imagine getting 16 in a row. You could flip coins for a year and not hit that.

 Of course they called my mom to tell her what had just happened, and they all had a good laugh about it, but a couple of them were a little flipped-out, and rightly so. I doubt anyone actually thought God had gotten directly involved in a dice game at a hen party, and nudged the table or whatever, but you never may have planted a seed, and gotten them thinking more about Him. It sure made for a very unlikely story. They say God works in mysterious ways, and them are some staggerin' odds. THIS HAS BEEN A COINCIDENCE. Have a nice day. 

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