Tuesday, December 28, 2021


I met an interesting man on Christmas Day. I saw a beautiful Pitbull, with her leash tied around her shoulders and along her back, like a service dog. I figured it was cool that she was running free, and then I saw an older black man sitting on the curb, talking to a young dude who was working on his car. I figured she belonged to one of them. 

 When the dog saw me she took off in my direction. I could tell she was friendly so I stooped down to meet her, and she showered me with affection. The old man said "She don't usually take to people like that. She knows you like animals." "Yes, sir, I do" I replied. "Seriously man, she likes you" he said. I love it when that happens. 

 I went over to introduce myself and without thinking I offered my hand. He took it without hesitation and gave me a firm handshake. It ain't dead yet. He had on an army vet's cap, with the outfit and all. I didn't figure him for the stolen-valor type, and thanked him for his service. I could see he was a character and he was cracking me and the other dude up, so I sat down next to him and had a chat. Oh, noooo...I just remembered I sat closer than six feet from him. Maybe I'll die. 

 I've met people cold, that I can best call "seers," who knew things about me that they couldn't possibly know, except through some means we don't really understand. I can say that every single thing in the Universe is a frequency or vibration, and some people can tune in to these "vibes" better than others, like a good radio. It's not Woo-woo either, it's backed up by pure science (SCIENCE). 

 Jesus, I hope this isn't "racist," but I used this photo of the guy who played Uncle Remus in the Disney movie Song of the South (I think). Dude looked a lot like this guy, same grin, hair, beard and everything, only a little older. I meant to get a pic of him and his dog, but mostly she was all over me, and I didn't get one. The dog was young, and was indeed his service dog, for his PTSD. He said her name was Delilah. I love that name, for dogs and humans both. My dog's mother is named Delilah. Small world. 

 He was going on about how unusual his dog's reaction to me was. "I mean, she's friendly and all...but damn..." He went on to say how many people think Pitbulls are automatically dangerous dogs. I said "It ain't the dog...it's the human." We were in agreement on that. He stopped talking for a minute and just looked at me. "You've got some Indian in you" he said. "Cherokee." "Yeah, a little bit" I said. "Wow." Whatever Native-American I may have in me, I make rattles and things that are pretty much what they make.

 Then he cranked it up a notch. "You're a musician" he said. "How'd you know?" I asked. "I can tell. You are, right?" In keeping with the drummer-joke/drummers-aren't-musicians theory, I said "I'm a drummer." "I knew it man" he said. "You're not just a basement-drummer either...you've done some playin'...lots of playin'...all over the place. You made good money too." "Damn" I said. "You can tell that for real, or just a lucky guess?" I said. "No, man...it's just what I get from you." Now maybe he's the biggest bullshitter alive and just took some damn-lucky guesses, but I don't think so, and a man who loves animals can't be all bullshit. 

 So was the old man just a sheister, who pulled the ol' "Let me look at you" routine, and just got lucky, or could he really "read" me? He didn't ask me for anything. If it's the latter, then to me it's no big deal. All the way back in junior-high I came up with a theory, and lo and behold, it's been proven. I love it when that happens. I knew back then that every thought was just an electrochemical signal in the brain. It only puts out a tiny amount of electricity, but I reckoned that if they could build a device sensitive enough, they could literally read minds, and now that technology exists. That says nothing about people reading minds, but it's the same idea. 

 When they record a thought, it looks pretty much just like the waveform of a musical instrument being recorded in the studio. Such devices exist, and you can Google it all day long. They can also amplify that signal, just like in the studio, and broadcast it right back into other people's heads. See: Voice-to-Skull technology. It's real, y'all.

 In any case he was an interesting and hilarious old man, and I enjoyed meeting him and Delilah. I'm going to give her some of my organic dog treats, so we swapped numbers, and I'll see him again. Will he do more of that soothsayer stuff? I bet so. BTW be careful what you think. They can read you now.


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