Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Cool Coincidences #974,422,993,033: Maggie's Hair

I mentioned that I recently bought the five-season run of Northern Exposure, the best show ever to be on TV, on eBay. I got it for $40 shipped, which works out to about 36 cents per episode, which is the best bargain I've ever gotten in my life. What a show. Interestingly when I did the math, 110 episodes divided into 40, the number came up .3636363636363636 (which reduces to the number 9 BTW). To a "Numerophile" that's a kickass number.

 These are the two main characters, Joel and Maggie, in a dream sequence. I popped this episode in tonight. The cool thing is, although I did tape a few episodes, literally, on VHS tape, and once in a Blue Moon they might show it on cable, many of the episodes I saw only once, over a quarter-century ago, and there are a few I haven't even seen yet. I'd totally forgotten this scene.

 Maggie (Janine Turner) was a pilot in the show, and Joel (Rob Morrow) was a doctor. In this episode she was flying Joel back from a gig in a remote Native village. The plane had engine trouble and they had to make an emergency landing in a field, and spend the night in the wilderness. They had no food or water, except for a 40lb hunk of whale blubber that Joel was given as "payment,' which was a nice touch. 

 To the Natives it was a very valuable and honored gift, but the smell almost made Joel hurl on the flight home. The way that hunk of blubber played into the rest of the episode was classic, and typical of what made the show great. Maggie had survival skills, but Joel, a transplanted New-Yorker, was totally unskilled in woodsmanship, and felt like they'd reverted back to Caveman days, hence the dream.

 Maggie was a perfect blend of hot, cute, sexy, smart, funny, strong yet vulnerable and a touch naive. The only thing I didn't like was that she kept her hair really short for the entire series. Most of the time I like seeing longer hair on women. These days I guess that's "sexist" or "hate speech" or some bullshit. So sue me. I like it. I think it accents the face, shoulders, and everything else better, but c'est moi. 

 In this episode, before the dream sequence, her hair was super-short, about a #5, if that. It looked very...what's the word..."regulation." To me it was distracting, and took away from her beauty. I was thinking how much I'd love to see her with long hair, and at that exact moment, in typical fashion the dream sequence just popped-in out of nowhere. Right before my eyes her hair went from super-short in one frame, to crazy-long in the next frame, and at the exact moment I thought about wishing I could see her with long hair. It flipped me out for a second or two, and my jaw dropped. How cool is that? THIS HAS BEEN A COINCIDENCE. Have a nice day.

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