Sunday, December 26, 2021

Perspective/Dirty Mind?

There's a guy on YouTube, I forget his name, who covers everything Rock & Roll, and if you're into Rock-Docs, stories behind the songs and general musical info, chances are you've run across him. He wears a hat, and he has one of the grooviest props I've ever seen- a giant cassette tape, illuminated from behind the clear window, which looks exactly like the real thing, only huge. 

 He introduces each new section of the video with variations of this illustration. It's a turntable, and the center image, an LP jacket, as seen here, a concert photo, a still of the artist or whatever, changes with each section. Good ol' Phil, BTW.


I don't know if it has something to do with the fact that maybe the dominant eye looks at the opposite side of the image first, or the highlighting or what, but every single time I see the image, this is what I see first. This looks like a young lady you might see in a club, way back in the 60s, especially in the UK. She's wearing a mini-miniskirt, with a bitchin' belt with metallic adornments. In my world, the light-brown table that the turntable is sitting on becomes her right leg. I can dig it. It gives me a special feeling, and for that I thank God. It's all in how you look at things.


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