Thursday, November 5, 2020

Sometimes it's the Little Sister (WARNING: Personal and Explicit- Read at Your Own Risk)

Don't you love it when you think about someone you haven't thought of in a while, and it triggers a nice memory? Ah, sweet memories. Like I've said nostalgia is going to be huge in the next few years. Sometimes those memories are of things that could've gone either way, and you wonder if it was totally by chance or if it was meant to be. In this case I say the latter. 

 A girl I'll call "K" worked with me at the crazy restaurant for several years and she was also my neighbor. She was hot. She had the Scandinavian thing and all that goes with that. She had straight brown hair, beautiful greenish-brown eyes, full lips (no collagen) and the sexiest smile you could ever want to see. Oh, and her body was righteous.

 She didn't have to try to be hot; she couldn't help it, but if she wanted to turn on the jets and flirt with you or start something it was off the charts. We all hung out after work but I hung out with her a lot since she lived across the street. I made a couple of lame attempts to get in her pants but she had her pick of anybody and she generally went for the pretty boys, and I wasn't qualified (thank God). She had a little sister I'll call "T." She still lived at home with their parents but she worked some nights as hostess, and she'd usually spend the night with K rather than drive back home. 

 If we weren't going out after work to see a band or something or if I wasn't playing myself we'd hang out at the restaurant and have a few drinks and whatnot. When T was staying with K she'd usually hang out with us. She might have a glass of wine here or there but she wasn't much of a drinker. She was a little shy and fairly quiet but it was obvious that she was a true sweetheart. She was very smart and funny too. Bonus. 

 She was the kind of woman I like- the kind that requires a second look. K was vivacious and ready for anything and fearless, and her hotness was obvious and up-front, while T was more sweet and mellow and really had the "girl next door" thing going on. There was something so calming about her that it was like a magnetic force or a drug. She didn't have the glamour thing that K had but she didn't have to bear that burden either. I remember looking at her a bit more closely one night after I'd just met her and realizing she was the true beauty of that pair. 

 She had brown, shoulder-length, slightly-curly hair. She had beautiful brown eyes and as sweet a smile as I'd ever seen. It was still a little bit of a "come hither" smile, and maybe even hotter than K's, because it was subtle. You had to work harder to get it. I was surprised that guys weren't all over her like they were K, but really boys at that age are looking for the hot, trashy types for the most part, myself included, and they aren't mature enough to know what true beauty is. Anyway she was very pleasant company.

 One Saturday Chef Dave had a big wingding. It started around noon and went on until the next morning. Early in the evening a bunch of us were in the basement burning some hooter and shooting the breeze. T was sitting next to me and as always her presence and energy were welcomed. We started talking and the next thing I knew everyone else had gone back upstairs. I was really enjoying the conversation and her peaceful vibe.

 We'd never talked that much and I realized that she really had something to say. She was very intelligent and she was cracking me up too. She also had a real sparkle in her eyes and you don't get that every day. Little sis was more of a grownup than I thought. Little did I know...

 Out of the blue she got quiet for a second and then said " it okay if I kiss you?" I was taken aback. I don't know how long I sat there frozen like a dummy. It was probably just a second or two but it seemed like an eternity. On the one hand I'm a man and she's a woman, so there's that. She'd just turned 18 about a week earlier, thank God, so that little stigma was out of the way, but I was pushing twice her age. While I obviously recognized her beauty and energy and such, the thought of anything romantic never crossed my mind. I'd dated younger women before no problem but nothing like that. 

 On the other hand there was again the age thing, and I wasn't sure what her inspiration was. I didn't know if she'd liked me from afar or if she was just the little sis who never got kissed, and I didn't want to hurt her feelings or reject her outright, because I liked her as a friend and I liked having her around. I didn't want to hurt her and I didn't want to chase her off by making the wrong decision either way. I didn't know what to do. I said yes. 

 I suppose I puckered-up and leaned toward her. I was expecting a short, cute little smoochie and then we'd go back to the party. Her feelings wouldn't be hurt. No harm, no foul. I was expecting an awkward, token kiss. Luckily I was wrong. Within a millisecond I was enveloped in the sweetest and most passionate kisses I'd ever had, still to this day. I was taken completely by surprise. Maybe I shouldn't have been, but it was like floating on a cloud. 

 I guess that first kiss lasted two or three minutes easily. I couldn't stop or think about stopping. It was almost an out-of-body experience and I wasn't thinking about anything or anyone else. It still amazes me how powerful and unexpected of an experience it was. It's truly rare that your brain can only concentrate on one thing and shut everything else out like that, but I was someplace else. I wish I knew what brain chemicals were at work. It was an incredible high. I'll say yet again that it was more than her incredible kissing was also her energy, and coming into contact with it was amazing. It was electric. Or at least electromagnetic. BTW that's a fact, Jack. 

 I was sort of jolted back to reality somehow and I broke it off. I needed some air anyway but I literally had to stop and try to go over in my mind what had just happened, and how it got to where it was. I asked myself "Well, how did I get here? Oh yeah. Girl. Kiss. Long kiss. Trip to the Moon on gossamer wings. Holy moly. She's the real deal." We looked at each other and smiled. There was no need for words. We knew what would happen next. It was too good not to continue. We went into another room through a narrow door in the cinderblock wall. It was typical of old basements- packed-dirt floors that had a musty smell. Nobody would see us in there. 

 I couldn't lock lips with her fast enough, and this time we were standing up. I was in a bit of a state of shock or something still, but the only possible option was to surf that wave again. It may sound trite but sometimes you might get one or the other or neither, but she had the perfect blend of sweetness and incredible passion. In no time she'd given me a boner. I didn't want to be indecent and press it against her so I pulled away from her, but she wouldn't have it. She pulled me back against her and she made the issue even bigger. on purpose.

 We got a little handsy with each other but that was no big surprise. Her kisses stayed just as sweet and enticing as ever. I don't know how long we were in that room but it got to the point where we were in the early stages of show-and-tell with our clothes half-off, and either we were going to get right down there on the hard dirt floor and do it 'til the cows came home and get our clothes all dirty, or go against human nature and summon all available willpower and stop kissing, an least for the time being. Fortunately cooler heads prevailed, although it took quite some time thinking about baseball stats and such before I was decent to be in public. 

 She said she was staying with K that night and she could meet me later if it was okay with me and I said oh heck yes it is. There was a massive cherry tree in the courtyard that was big enough to pretty much climb inside of, and we agreed to meet there later. "Later" was still some hours away and it was like a little kid waiting on Christmas. The evening was still young and we didn't want to just bust out of the party and let Nature take its course...I mean we wanted too but we didn't want to be obvious, and there wouldn't be any other people in the courtyard after midnight. Besides it was a fun party. 

 We smoothed each other off and put on our "casual" faces and went upstairs. We mingled but we kept eye contact. That Carly Simon song "Anticipation" was playing on my mental jukebox. Age, schmage. I didn't care at that point. If she was willing to give of herself like that, who was I to say no? She liked me, and I'd become a bigger fan of her's too.

 The next few hours were rough but we made it through. We left early, around 1am. We decided to meet at the cherry tree in an hour. It was a long hour. I got together a couple of quilts and some light munchies and stuff and headed for the courtyard. It was a nice late-Spring night. The sky was clear and the Moon was bright and the cherry tree was in bloom. So was she. 

 I waited under the tree for a few minutes and then I heard some of the softest footsteps I've ever heard. When she ducked under the lower branches I could see that she was barefoot. She was also naked. "I hope you don't mind" she said. "I don't mind" I replied. "It's so nice out...and ...well...I kinda figured that since we almost got naked in that stuffy old basement, we'd end up that way again soon enough." I had to give her that one.

 I liked her style. With some gals it'd be slutty maybe but with her it wasn't at all. I don't exactly know how to explain it but it just seemed like the right thing to do. She went to retrieve her clothes and came back and stood there all naked and smiling. I smiled too. "You like?" "Oh yes, very much I do. C'mere, little sister!" 

 She told me that all during the rest of the party she'd been thinking about kissing me, only naked. I told her it'd crossed my mind too. She said that that was another reason she'd decided to take her clothes off early. "I really felt like you'd be okay with it" she said. "I feel like I can trust you." I told her that seeing her standing in the cherry branches was one of the most beautiful things I'd ever seen. Her shyness was kicking in a bit but she relaxed when she heard that. She knew I meant it. 

 In the interest of proper recordkeeping I'll have to say that her body was pretty much perfect. Not only did she have the edge on pure beauty and personality over her big sis but she smoked her body-wise. Again I sort of felt floaty just looking at her. She lay down facing me and I took ahold of her. She was a perfect fit already and I still had my clothes on. As if on cue she said "I bet you'd be much more comfortable without all those clothes on." "Good point" I said. She helped me out of those silly old cumbersome clothes and I pulled her over to me. It just kept getting better. 

 "I really want to keep kissing you" she said, "but there's a problem." "What's that?" I asked. "Well...I kinda want to try kissing some other places too, but I'm not sure where you'd want me to go." "I could draw you a map" I said. We laughed. My mind was already blown and I was wondering how much better it could get. Alls else I'll say is that she started with my neck and worked her way south, and about twenty minutes later she said "I bet you didn't expect that." I had to agree that indeed I didn't.

 That was just an appetizer, and a tasty one at that. She said that I'd always been nice to her and thanked me for wanting to be with her. I asked her if she was kidding and that I'd always enjoyed her company, especially that evening, and that I should be thanking her. "You're welcome!" she said. "I am?" "Of course." "Anywhere?" '"Anywhere!"  she replied. "In you? "In me! Yes, in ME!"

 We stayed under the cherry tree until well past daylight and we didn't get dressed until we heard people walking their dogs nearby. We agreed to make it happen again asap, which turned out to be the very next night. "I'm working tonight and I'll be staying at K's" she said. "I'll see you there" I said. "Give me another kiss please." "But of course." 

 The next night at work I talked to her a lot more than usual and there was no weirdness at all. I hate to say it but with some women you're so fired-up to cop a nut with them that you'd almost hold up a 7-11 to get some, but then when it's over you're not interested in them in the least anymore. You realize that it was probably a mistake and you have nothing in common and she's a freak and all of that. All you wanted to do was get laid. The ol' "Pump 'n' Chuck" as Ashby used to say. I still really wanted to be with her post-nut and I'm pretty sure the feeling was mutual.

 I'd rolled the age thing around in my head the night before and I decided that I'd be careful but that it shouldn't be a deal-breaker. I've always gotten along with people of all ages and I'd never considered it a problem, or color or creed either for that matter. It had been an incredible experience with her the night before and after getting to know her a little better I could tell she wasn't the average young lady. 

 I couldn't help but wonder though where she'd gotten her skills. I knew most of it was something you're born with, but yowsah. K was working that night so I casually mentioned that I thought T was really cool and I was surprised that guys weren't beating down her door. She'd worked there over a year and never got so much as a call from a guy that I knew of.

 "She's been on a few dates but she hasn't found anybody she really likes. I'm pretty positive she's never been with a guy in that way. She tells me everything and she wouldn't hold back that kind of information I don't think." I neglected to fill her in on the previous night's activities. "She just hasn't found the right guy" she continued. "She'll meet someone. She'll be fine." "Good" I said. 

 It was weird that she was so amazing and she'd never really been with a guy. Then I remembered all the sex paperbacks K had in her apartment. She had the Kama Suthra and "How to Please a Man" among others. That had to be it. T had a little time to kill so she must have flipped through the books and picked up a few tips. She was a quick study. Hearing that she'd never had a boyfriend really brought home the innocence thing, but at the same time I knew that she really did like me. "So, you want to meet me at the pool later?" she asked. "Just tell me when" I replied.

 We got to the pool around 1am. She was there first this time. We both had on shorts and t-shirts but she had a bikini on underneath. She took off her t-shirt and shorts, and then after a brief pause she kept going and took off her bikini. "I borrowed it from K. No use in getting it wet, right?" she asked. "Nope" I said. I didn't join her in the skinnydipping right away because I was mesmerized by her body again.

 She swam back and forth on her back and I couldn't take my eyes off of her, or move. When she'd stand up in the pool and lean back and put her arms behind her head to wring out her hair (you know what I mean) it accentuated her gorgeous breasts. I was sitting on the edge in the shallow end and she came walking up to me. She put her hands on my knees and pushed them apart and got up next to me. DOING. 

 She reached into one of the legs of my shorts. She may have just been looking for quarters for the Coke machine but if that was the case then she surely came out with a handful of more than she bargained for. I freed Willy and lost the shorts. She started kissing my kneecaps and worked her way toward my belly button. 

 After a nice bit of that special goodness I asked her to come and lounge with me on a lounge chair, or maybe lounge on me with the lounge chair. I let her bunnies play in my grass and she let me park my car in her garage. It was so sweet...and hot...just like a piece of peppermint candy. It starts out sweet and then gets warm and wet. We left around dawn.

 We saw each other a few more times and it was always amazing. I was starting to think seriously about trying to settle down with her. I'd sown enough wild oats by then and I knew a good thing when I saw it. She was a keeper. She obviously hadn't sown many wild oats, but I could see her being loyal, and K confirmed that. T told her we were seeing each other. She didn't have a problem with it except to tell me that if I ever hurt her she'd hunt me down and kick my ass. 

 She also said that she knew T really liked me, and she'd always said that when she found the right person she'd know it, and she'd only have eyes for them. She said that T always told the truth. "I'm glad to hear that" I said. "I like her too." "I can tell" said K. "Good" I said. Most times when people hook-up at that age it turns out badly for one or both parties, but I also have several friends who married their sweethearts early, and they're still as in love and attracted to each other as on day one. It happens. 

 We always had something to talk about, with or without clothes on. I can't say with total certainty that we'd have stayed together forever but I do think there would've been a very good chance of it. I do know that with the rare couple of other women I found that had anywhere near her angel-sweetness and incredible passion, I never lost my boner for them, literally and figuratively. T was really fun to hang out with and that's critical. We never really brought up the "L" word but had we gone out much more it would've been a done deal in no time. Apparently life had other plans. 

 I don't remember the exact situation but she was offered a really good job. It came out of nowhere. It was a major jump in pay but she'd have to move way out of town and she'd be working six days a week. At first she turned it down, but her parents and even K pressured her to take the job, and she finally did. I didn't say anything to her but I was going to be damn sad to see her go. I was playing music full time too, and I was only home from Sunday afternoon until Wednesday or even Tuesday. We just went our separate ways. 

 I ran into her about a year later when she came to visit sis. We got together for the afternoon and had a great time but something was different. She looked really tired, and the twinkle in her eyes wasn't there as much. She was still beautiful and her sweet and horny self, but something had changed in that year. I got the feeling that maybe she'd hooked up with some guy, and maybe he didn't treat her right. She seemed sad. Maybe I was wrong and I hope I was. She deserves a lot better than that. Not long ago I talked to someone who'd run into K but didn't know anything about T. I do hope she's okay. I was hoping I'd get some news. 

 Here's to you, T. You were amazing. I hope you've been richly blessed and want for nothing. I hope you're happy. If not though, and you're going to be over this way, feel free to give me a shout. I hate that that connection was severed but I'm grateful for it while it was here. Thanks for being one of those "second-look" women, because you are something special. Your kindness, love, energy and downright womanness set the bar pretty high, and I thank you. You have a brain, and truly a heart. You are beautiful. Cheers. 






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