Wednesday, November 4, 2020


It looks like Joe Biden is going to be prez but it may be a while before we know for sure. I've said before that politics is a football game and I don't get heavily involved most years but this year is different. What I see as the difference in the candidates this year is crucial for not only the next few years but from here on out. 

 Trump wants to keep the country open for business, while Biden wants to shut it all down and make everyone wear masks 24/7. Biden wants us all to live in fear. That's very, very bad. Anyone with half a brain knows that you can't eliminate a virus by killing the economy any more than you could shut down the common cold. 

 It's going to mutate and move back and forth between animals and humans and do all the usual things a virus does, and no amounts of masks, killing off small business or even a vacks can stop it. Wake up people. The backbone of the US economy is small business, not the mega-corporations. If we kill off all that we can forget it, at least from a quality-of-life standpoint. Another shutdown will take out better than 90% of all privately-owned restaurants...forever. I don't want that and neither should anyone else. 

 I think about how this lockdown bullshit is affecting different groups of people. I worked in the crazy for over 15 years and I literally can't imagine my life without the friends I have to this day that I met there. So many people don't have that chance now. I feel badly for people starting out in bands. I can imagine life without all the antics and adventures that happened when I was touring in a band, but my life wouldn't have been nearly as fun without it. They don't have that chance right now. Many people think that at some point, maybe after Dr. Gates spikes us all, that we'll go back to normal. Sorry, Cupcake, ain't gonna happen. That ship has left port. What's gone is gone and it's not coming back. What's left Joe wants to shut down. 

 Did anyone get the memo that MANY more people will die from a shutdown that this virus, while certainly bad, could ever kill? Can anyone still think with their brains instead of their assholes? Alcohol use had gone up by at least 50% and that's alarming. Same for drugs, and that's legal and non-legal. The prescription pads are coming out in droves as doctors write scripts for anxiety meds and such, and we're already the most-medicated nation on Earth. Depression, loss of income, not enough money for food, much less a quality diet, domestic abuse, cabin's all because of lockdowns. The cure is way worse than the disease. So, what...I'm just being negative? A "fear-monger?" Bullshit. This is REALITY. Wake up!

 However much of a clown Trump comes off as and no matter how much people hate him, at least he has a brain in his head and he knows that a world where only Amazon, Walmart and the giant fast-food chains will survive is going to suck, big-time. He's not living in fear and wanting everyone else to join him. He knows that without small businesses this country can hang it up. He's not letting his emotions (fear) control his brain, but Biden is. Both of them are tools. And clowns. But one of them still has a working brain. If Joe's your guy and he wins, then congrats. I hope you like McDonald's. 

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