Monday, November 16, 2020

Signs in the Heavens? 7

I've said before that one Bible verse that has stood out in my mind since I was a little kid in Sunday School was the one that talks about how one day we'd start seeing "signs in the heavens." It was around that time that I became a sky-watcher for life, so they went together nicely. As a lifelong sky-watcher, while I can't say whether or not all the things that have been happening in the sky over the last few years could be called "signs," what I can say with certainty is that the majority of these things have never been seen in the sky before, at least not in our lifetimes. That's fact.

 On December 21st this year there will be a "Grand Conjunction" between Jupiter and Saturn. They'll be within .01 degree of each other. It will be the closest they've been since 1623, and it will create the brightest "star" in the sky since the Star of Bethlehem. How about that? If by some chance these things really are signs in the heavens, it could then be said this this one is also a sign from heaven, and for good measure a sign about heaven. 

 Nah, it couldn't be. The Bible is just a fairy tale, right? Whether it's a "sign" or not I can't say, but it should be impressive. The 21st is also the Winter Solstice. Interestingly there's a possible tie-in to the Mayan-Calendar thing. Many people interpreted the Mayan Calendar to say that the world was supposed to "end" on December 21st of 2012, although I think it could have simply signaled the end of an era, but I don't know. 

 The Mayan Calendar was lined up with the Julian calendar to arrive at the date of 12/21/2012. Since it was created the world adopted the Gregorian Calendar, which is 11 days shorter. I may have that backward but the idea is the same. Since the change those 11 days have added up to exactly eight years, so some think that this December 21st is the date that the Mayans originally meant. Whether there's anything to it or not the math adds up. Will it be the end of the world? I don't think so but you never know. Will it be the Second Coming? Probably not but who knows? If it happens to be the night that Jesus returns to Earth, then bring it. I'm good to go. I just hope it's clear on the 21st. I can't wait. Heads-up.

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