Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Sorry, No "N"

I was watching a video about funny game-show moments. Some of that stuff is classic, like the legendary episode of the Dating Game, where the question was "Where's the most unusual place you've ever had the desire to make whoopie?" and the woman replied "In the ass." Sorry to those who remember it differently, but she didn't say "That would be the butt, Bob," although that would've been funnier. Even though the word "ass" was bleeped-out you can clearly see her mouthing it. Too much.

 I've never seen anything like this though. I don't know of too many third-graders who couldn't solve this puzzle with this much of the phrase available, but when it was this one guy's turn, he said "Is there an 'N?'" I almost lost it. There was a second of uncomfortable silence, and then Pat Sajak said "Sorry, no 'N.'"

 There were several more seconds of awkward silence. Vanna White froze in place with a blank look on her face. You could almost feel the audience squirming in their seats. There was no descending slide-whistle riff or anything else to indicate a wrong answer, just silence. Incredible. Was the guy a racist? Did he have a major brain-fart? He looked confused so maybe so. Whatever the reason, and without meaning to sound like a racist myself, it totally cracked me up. The damage was done, and technically there was nothing to bleep. I'm surprised they didn't just edit it out but I'm glad they didn't. What's a "Clam Nigger" anyway? Ah, life's little bloopers. These quirky human-interest stories are what make the world go 'round. Again I don't want to sound racist but it really made my day. Thanks. 

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