Thursday, November 5, 2020

Fear 2020

I've only said a million times that when people think with their emotions rather than their actual brains they make bad decisions, but this takes the cake. In this case the emotion is pure hate. No one could deny that a big chunk of the votes are more about hating Trump than realistically being for Biden or his "policies." Certainly not things like what's best for the country now, and for our children down the road. Speaking of children, Joe can't contain himself around them. 

 This schmuck dad thinks that seeing Joe two inches from his daughter's ear is "cute" but I don't think mom's too sure, as well she shouldn't be. That's straight-up uncool. Does it look like the little girl is enjoying it? How does he get away with that shit and nobody sees a problem?

 His son is "allegedly" a major crackhead, and received millions from a "job" in Russia, or enough crack to supply a rally or two at the Washington Monument. But it's no problem. Most of the info is being scrubbed anyway. I just went looking for a video so I could grab a screenshot, but most of them are gone, and I watched them less than two weeks ago. In fact one of the best channels on YouTube had all his videos removed just in the last few days. Seeing what's censored alone should wake people up, but it doesn't. They convince us it's for our "protection" and we totally buy it.

 But forget all that for a moment. Biden buys into the bullshit that this virus can be shut down by introducing another trillion masks into the environment and the oceans. It's a sin. He thinks that shutting down everything and finishing off the rest of the small businesses, which once again are THE backbone of our economy, will eradicate it. Then again he has trouble finishing a sentence.

 Without saying so of course he wants us to live in fear and hide in our homes, masked-up of course, rather than understanding that while it's very bad it actually kills no more than the regular Flu (Google it, Dylan) if as many, and shutting down the economy again will not only eliminate out lifeblood and foul our planet but kill many, many more than the virus ever could. People are already pushed to the breaking point for the most part. Another lockdown will finish a lot of them off, and that's fact. SUVs in food lines stretching for miles? That's ludicrous. And UNNECESSARY. 

 I'm not a Trumper but at least he has a brain. He was willing to stand up to all the fear and confusion and fight it instead of covering our faces all day and hiding in our homes, but that's what we'll be looking at soon. The rent freezes will expire soon, and that debt hasn't gone away. Millions of people are losing or are about to lose their homes, and they never deserved to be homeless in the first place. 

 They're not druggies or alcoholics or mentally unstable. Their jobs were taken away, under the bullshit notion that a virus that goes wherever it wants can be stopped. It's a joke, and the joke's on us. Millions will be homeless soon. It's a done deal but they just aren't out on the street yet. They'll be hungry and broke and pissed, and rightly so. Do you think they'll just take everything quietly and say "Oh, well...c'est la vie?" I doubt it.  

 Trump is a clown maybe but at least he can see the big picture. But we wanted Joe and apparently we've got him. Say "See ya" to that restaurant where you met your wife. Bid farewell to that hardware store that you went to as a kid. Forget about your favorite bookstore where you could freely browse and maybe share company and a coffee with someone special. Don't worry...there's a Walmart around the corner and you can get everwhat you need.

 Your Amazon orders will be delivered by drones and you'll never have to interact with a real human being ever again. Won't that be nice? Hmmm...Taco Bell or McDonald's for dinner? Say goodbye to movie theaters, auto-parts stores, hippy boutiques, music stores, coffee shops, toy stores, gift shops, restaurants, bars and everything else. Say goodbye to the USA.

 At least we can live in fear and keep cutting off the oxygen to our brains and trashing our immune systems, which is the whole deal to begin with, and hunker down in our homes (or in "containment facilities") until we reach the boiling point, and wait for someone to save us, like maybe a really rich computer guy who thinks he has a medical degree. It's pathetic but it's coming. Few people will even say a word. Fear will win. We will lose. Keep an eye on it for yourself. It's my prediction for the next four years and beyond. I hope I'm wrong. I really do. 

 Economists say that if another major lockdown occurs then we can kiss better than 90% of all small businesses goodbye, and with them ALL of our livelihoods. It's all connected. Most of the trillions that pass through the big corporations each year goes straight to offshore banks. It doesn't bolster our economy worth a piss compared to small businesses. Those people are globalists. They don't give a fuck who's money it is as long as they can control it. Their only allegiance is to themselves and their agendas, not you and me. Both candidates are tools but some tools do more damage than others. Have a nice day while you still can.

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