Monday, March 6, 2023

Using the Narrative to Support the Narrative

I just heard a guy on YT express something I've been saying for a long time, perfectly. He said that most people simply use the "Official Narrative" to support the "Official Narrative." It's so true. 

 I've mentioned someone I've known for over a quarter-century, and never did they question the "Official Narrative" even once. Considering how many times the "Official Narrative" has been proved wrong during that time, it's a given that it won't always be right going forward, yet these people keep repeating (and believing) it.

 If I'm talking to these people and I even question the "Official Narrative" in any way, instead of saying something like "I disagree," which is totally fine and can lead to an intelligent, adult conversation, or even "Hmm...why do you think that?" which can possibly lead to them learning something new, they'll say things like "No, you're mistaken," or "No, it's this" (quoting the "Official Narrative" yet again). "Well, okay then. I guess I'm always wrong." Silly me...questioning the "Official Narrative" again, even though we know it's not always true. 

 We should be able to believe the "Official Narrative." Absolutely we should, but to assume that it's always the truth, besides that being statistically-impossible anyway, assumes that they'd never lie to us with the "Official Narrative" or anything else, and if you think that's true, then may God help you. No joke. 

Again I'm NOT trying to tell someone what to believe, only what I believe, and I respect all other beliefs. The "Official Narrative" is the main source of info that we have. Whether we totally trust it 100% is up to us. I don't think it's smart or healthy, but that's just my opinion. If you want to go with it and take it as the gospel, then Rock On. If not always, good for you! Either way, have a nice day.

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