Monday, March 20, 2023

My Funny Dream of Heaven (rewritten)

From what I can remember I've had one dream about going to Hell, which I won't go into, and one dream of going to Heaven. The dream about Hell sucked but the one about Heaven was pretty funny. 

 There were no bright lights, angels with harps or God or Jesus for that matter, or anything else that would indicate that I was in the afterlife, but somehow I knew that I'd died and gone to Heaven, and I was cool with it. In fact I was very relieved that I'd made it to the good place. Whew. 

 The dream started out in a beautiful green meader. About 150 of us were sitting under a huge gazebo, and we were all playing acoustic guitars. Although I took some Classical guitar lessons in high school, I never got into playing popular songs. I never got good enough on the drums to practice much on other instruments. In Heaven though I suddenly knew how to play, and I wasn't bad. "Cool" I thought. 

 That was funny enough, but what made me think that we were truly in Heaven was the fact that all 150 guitars were in perfect tune with each other. That could never happen on Earth. The sound of 150 guitars all playing together in perfect harmony was glorious. I was enjoying my newfound abilities, and it was a blast playing with so many people playing together perfectly. Even Robert Fripp would be jealous. 

 Then something curious happened...out of nowhere and with no announcement we all jumped into a jaunty tune by Steely Dan called With a Gun. The sound was massive. Usually in a dream you don't question things, but I remember thinking that it was highly unlikely that we'd be playing a song about breaking one of the Ten Commandments if we were really in Heaven, and that's what probably woke me up. I had a good chuckle on that one. 

 They say in Heaven, everything takes on entirely different dimensions...colors, tastes, music, etc. Everything is magnified exponentially. I can only imagine, but it was pretty spectacular in my dream, and it seemed so real...for a minute or two anyway. If that kind of thing really happens, I have no problem with it. 

 So that's my dream of Heaven, revisited. I had a really nice acoustic, and I could play the thing. Plus there were about 149 other people playing right along with me. Like, Kumbaya, dude. It just occurred to me that there were absolutely no egos involved, and that's even more incredible that the fact that not a single one of 150 guitars ever went out of tune or broke a string. You got one guitar got ego. 150? Forget least in this world. But playing With a Gun by Steely Dan? That's funny.

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