Friday, March 24, 2023

In Heaven We'll All Be Vegetarians

Did you know that up yonder in Heaven, everyone's a vegetarian? That's right. There are no meat-eaters in Heaven, which is how it should be. The Good Book says that we'll eat fruit for our meat.

 Genesis 1:29 (KJV) says: "And God said, 'Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the Earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.'" 

 It doesn't say we'll eat fruit instead of meat; it says we'll eat fruit as meat. For those in this earthly life who are vegetarians, and good on them, this doesn't apply, but for those who eat meat and might make it to Heaven, it could be a very welcome thing. 

 So, will we be picking Burgerfruit and Meat Cherries? I don't know but I reckon everything tastes good in Heaven...that is, if there is a Heaven. I'm good with that, although if they serve Indian food in Heaven I could be a vegetarian anyway, without needing fruit that tastes like meat. 

 The above photo supposedly shows Jesus' diet. I don't see any meat, which is cool, but I see dairy products and peanuts. Apparently Jesus was vegetarian but not vegan. He didn't have food allergies and wasn't lactose-intolerant. Back then there were no pesticides, hormones, GMOs and such too. Right on.

 The Good Book says that the lion will lie down with the lamb, so maybe the animals will have their own meat-flavored fruits, like Squirrelfruit and Bugfruit. It makes perfect sense that we wouldn't eat animals in Heaven, as it also does on Earth. If there really is an afterlife, and I make it to the good place, and God is real and all, then there's something I'll be looking forward to...the Lord's Supper.

 Not that an eternal soul would need to eat, but I hope that least fruits, are part of the deal. It mentions supper, and you don't generally sit down to supper without eating. The Lord's Supper will be our first gathering in Heaven...sort of a meet-and-greet. Maybe it'll be a giant potluck affair, and all the people who were great cooks on Earth, like my grandmother and great-grandmother will each bring a dish or two. Just to taste their cooking again, presumably done with fruits and veggies, would truly be Heaven. I can't wait. 

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