Saturday, February 5, 2022

The Pedo Files: Meth Plus Viagra Equals a Hard Time

I've been watching some predator-poacher videos lately, where people pose as minors and try to expose Pedos. Normally I'm not a fan of vigilante justice, but in this case I applaud it. They don't harm anyone, which isn't always the case with some groups who also try to catch these sick fucks, and don't have such neutral intentions. These sick fucks need to be exposed.

 Interestingly, they say that in many cities, especially ones where the cops don't make an arrest without an actual victim, the Peds fear these guys more than the police. If they get popped by the cops, their friends and family find out, but it usually doesn't go too much further. 

 If these guys catch them, they're exposed to tens and hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube, Faceboo...I mean Meta, Twitter and wherever else they can blast it, and the whole town finds out. That's gotta suck. Even if they do get arrested, unless they have bad photos on their phones or something, they rarely serve much time. People still routinely serve more time for weed than for preying on our kids. 

Like any other dark-ass subject, you have to find humor when you can, to help balance-out the disgust-overload in your brain, and this one's a corker. For one thing this fuck could play Bozo the clown without a lick of makeup. Anyone who'd be attracted to this fuck would have to have a few issues too, I'd think. 

 He's 52, but he looks older than me, and I clock-in at 64. Thank you, crystal meth. He finally admitted that he'd smoked meth that morning, as if he even had to admit it, and apparently he'd also taken Viagra. He was tweaked to fuck and back, on top of a boner pill. Yes, it's sick as fuck. 

 I'm guessing that combining those two drugs is contraindicated, since I believe there was a case of drug-interaction going on. The meth was definitely egging the Viagra on. The result was that the poor fuck had an erection the whole time the pred-catchers were talking to him, and the whole time the police talked to him after they were called. The guy was taken into custody, and deserved it. He was already on the offender list and had bad pics on his phone, plus meth in his motel room.

 You can't watch this without thinking that his are some shoes you wouldn't want to be in. Could you're high as a kite, expecting a nut, only you're surprised by some guys with cameras, you find out that you're live on YouTube, busted as fuck, then the cops come and you have to talk to them, and all the while you're sporting a boner, in front of God and everyone else. You're allegedly there to meet a minor for bad things, and you have a hard-on. That doesn't make you look guilty or anything. You can't make this shit up.

 If you're really interested, you can see his Woodrow in the top photo, enlarged, as it were, here. There were more graphic screenshots I could've grabbed, but I'm not into looking at boners, besides mine that is, and you get the idea. It's clearly visible. I'll skip making a joke about a black man laughing at a scrawny white dude's erect penis, because these days it might be considered "racist," although I'm putting the black guy in the best light. The cops did a great job of not cracking-up just seeing his erection. Too much. 

 There's a warning on Viagra labels about a possible side-effect, a condition called Priopism, where an erection lasts for more than four hours. A four-hour boner? That trumps a three-hour tour any day. That hurts just thinking about it. I don't know if that's what happened to Pedodude, but he sure was sprouting one the whole time he was on camera, about 45 minutes. I'm pretty sure the label doesn't say "WARNING: Do not mix with meth," but if they saw this video, they might add it. 

 The whole thing is sick, but again you have to laugh sometimes, just to reset your brain. Imagine trying to deny that you're there to have sex with someone you shouldn't, and you have an erection. No matter how twisted it is, it's comedy-gold. You'd never see it anywhere except real-life. Don't do drugs. Don't do kids either. 

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