Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Satancon 2022 (I KNEW I Felt Something)

I knew I felt something...I was sitting around Friday evening, minding my own business, and all of the sudden I felt what I can only describe as a "bolt of evil." Out of nowhere I got the powerful feeling that a portal had opened up or something. It hit me so hard that I almost blogged about it.

 But what would I have said...that a portal of evil had opened up? I didn't know anything except that I could feel it, but that's all I could've said. The thing is, although I tune it out most of the time, I can already feel evil plenty. To write about evil would be no big deal, except that it doesn't usually knock me down.

 It felt like something was deeply wrong and troubling, and I knew it was directly tied to evil, which in my belief system is Satan. Again, although that vibe is around every day, it doesn't usually bother me or hit me like a bolt of lightning. In my beliefs, my God wins in the end, no matter what happens until then, so all of the world's problems don't freak me out as much as they do many other people, whether it's just the Placebo Effect of believing in God or not. This was different. 

 I literally had the feeling that something had taken place, although I couldn't imagine what. I just put it in my mental WTF file and tried to put it aside but I couldn't completely shake it. I've said a million times that every single thing in the Universe is a frequency, or a vibration, and some people are much more sensitive to vibrations than others. It's known that negative things- evil, hate, etc. resonate in the lower frequencies, while things like love and joy resonate in the higher ones. Despite my TDTS, or Thomas Dolby Tick Syndrome, a unique spinoff of Tourette's, I have to say it...it's been proven by science (SCIENCE). 

Imagine my "surprise" the next evening when I was watching a video, and saw that Satancon 2022 was talking place in scenic and "Satan-friendly" Scottsdale, AZ. Whaddya know. I don't know how many people attended, but they were expecting a record-breaking crowd, and it quickly sold out.

 I went to their website for about as long as I could stand, and found that it featured noted Satanists, and held seminars on topics like "Raising kids in a Satanic household," and "Abrotion is a (Religious) Right." Speaking of abrotion, did you know that the Satanic Temple partnered with Planned Parenthood not long ago? Any thoughts on that? Hint: if you want to think that it's just about "choice," as they'd have us believe, you really need to do a bit more research. 

 The people in this image look pretty much like normal people, and I'm not saying they're not, except that they're Satanists. Besides the Baphomet and text on the banner, it could be a convention on gardening or finance or a city council meeting or whatever. At the very least they're convinced that Satan is the guy, while some people, not in attendance, believe that the God of the Bible is the guy.

 So was Satancon 2022 what I felt Friday night? If not then it's one Hell of a coincidence. I'm pretty sure it was exactly what I felt. Again, everything is a vibration, and whether people understand it or not, some people are much more sensitive to "vibes." They say that the first thing I did when I learned to walk was to go around the house and try to locate the source of various sounds I'd been hearing since birth, so besides breastfeeding, sleeping and shitting yellow, vibrations were the very first thing I was into from Day 1. 

 I do know that most Satanic rituals start with an invocation of demonic spirits, and with Satanists from all over the world, there's no telling what they might have conjured-up, literally. Of course you can laugh it off and say it's not real, but again, there's a 50-50 chance that it is real...very real. And real or not, the ones who practice true Satanism, including animal and human sacrifice, do shit that's way beyond comprehension for most of us, and highly-illegal. It's horrid to talk about, but it's REAL, and it needs to be exposed. It has absolutely nothing to do with religious beliefs. Crime is crime. These are heinous crimes.

 There's no telling what went on after-hours, in "Satan-friendly" Scottsdale, Arizona. That shit creates some serious vibes, and either that's what I felt Friday night, or it was yet another coincidence, and I was just tripping. We'll all know the truth soon. Isn't it great? Remember...no matter how they spin it, and Satan is the father of lies, Satan hates you. God loves you. We call that the "Good News." Use it.

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