Saturday, February 12, 2022

How to Spot a Bogus "Debunker"

I've been saying in this blog for years that it's really easy to spot a so-called "debunker," and this is living proof. In the interest of science (SCIENCE), and practicing what I preach...that is to consider BOTH sides of a story, and even if I don't agree, at least consider the other view, but absolutely respect it at least. Not many people are looking for the truth these days, but if stuff like this doesn't wake them up, then they just don't want to wake up. 

 These are images from a video where a doctor, one Dr. Lisa to be exact, is reacting to questions about the Bug, and the thing most people are rolling up their sleeves to get. This is textbook bullshit "debunking." 

 First off, and how you spot this bullshit, is that if you watched this video with the sound off, and not knowing the subject, seeing her make these faces would make you think she was reacting to a story about potty-training or something, and certainly not a serious medical issue. You'd be waiting for Big Bird to show up. 

 But this isn't a kids' comedy show, although Doctor Lisa is behaving rather childishly...this is allegedly about something serious. They interviewed people on the street, and they asked questions relating to the Bug. She "reacted," and then went on to explain how stupid people were, and to spout the "Official Narrative." 

 I mean, if you went to your doctor with some very serious concerns and questions, and she laughed and made faces like a monkey, wouldn't you think something was really wrong? You'd think she wrote herself a script for something she probably shouldn't be taking. Yes, I get that it's a YouTube video, and she's supposed to be "reacting," but I think that's even more reason she should act like the professional she supposedly is. Think about it. 

 To be fair, I'll give her the face-palm in the top image. If I were asked the question she's reacting to, I might do the same thing, and I'm not a doctor, as some of my family is so keen on reminding me. The face-palm was in response to some dummy they found, who said they didn't think the Bug was real. It's not "real" in the sense of what most people think it is, from the "Official Narrative," but yeah, it's very real. It's easy to debunk a dummy, and that's how they got the ball rolling. They do have to address it I guess.

 That was a dumbass question, or statement, but the rest of the questions were serious, yet she showed the same reaction, as if these questions were just as stupid, when they weren't. One person was asking why she should keep rolling up her sleeve time after time, when the effectiveness of the Secret Sauce dropped so drastically, which is a damn good question, since it's a matter of public record. The question certainly deserved better than for Doc Lisa to laugh at her like she was a fool. Reaction vid or not, that's inexcusable, and highly unprofessional. 

 All she could say was "Well, it prevents you from dying." What prevents you from dying, dear doctor, is the fact that there's better than a 99% chance you won't die anyway, especially if you have a semi-normal immune system, which granted is being attacked from all sides, but that's another story. Instead of making faces, maybe Dr. Lisa could've addressed the very real issue of Immune-System Fatigue, which results from getting multiple shooters, but of course she didn't. She'd look pretty stupid mocking Immune-System Fatigue, when it could be Googled right in front of her face, so she can only say that it keeps you from dying. The fact that it very rarely kills you is what keeps you from dying. 

This is Dr. Lisa's exact reaction to a question about why the Secret Sauce came to market so quickly, which is THE question to ask. This is supposed to be another "mocking" face, but I think it's a face that shows that she knows she's just been asked a very valid question, and one that requires her to bullshit people. 

 She starts by saying that in this case, stacks of "official paperwork" were eliminated. Well, of course they were, and she's telling us to our faces. But why? Just because? I guess so. The video showed stacks of official-looking forms apparently just going away. She said "It usually takes many years (good point, Doc), and when you eliminate that, it goes a lot faster." Again, of course...but again, why? She never answered the question. 

 The fact is, no matter how they fast-track it, warp-speed it, "approve" it (LOL) or whatever else they do to sidestep the normal clinical trials, for about the next nine years it will be officially classified as an experimental drug, end of story. The average time a new substance spends in clinical human trials is 10.5 years, so do the math. I get that the situation was urgent, but it changes NOTHING about the safety and effectiveness, that only clinical trials can "confirm." Does eliminating paperwork guarantee its safety? I guess so.

 She went on to say that it's been studied for years, in animal trials, and that's true, but maybe she should have mentioned the results of those trials. Look up "Mink RNA trials." The trials went well at first, but later their immune systems, which are similar to ours, went berserk and attacked themselves (Autoimmune Disease), and trials were halted. Didja not get the memo, Doc?

 It's only beginning to be studied in humans, and there's about nine years left before it can be officially "approved" according to normal protocols. People who understand this shouldn't be called stupid. She spoke half-truths and talked bureaucratic-bullshit, as if it makes everything okay, and sadly, for so many people who've lost the ability to think for themselves, rather than being told what to think, it does make it okay. Congrats, just made Pafizer, J and J and all them another billion or so. "Of COUR$E it's $afe! We $$$$$$$AY so."

 Another concerned citizen had a similar question, and asked about the potential side-effects (remember those?), and how do we know that there might not be complications down the road, as there are with many, many other substances, again a super-valid question, right? Here's the good doctor's response: "Well, we hold the [Secret Sauce] to a 'higher standard.'" Really? What does that mean? Does being held to a "higher standard" magically make it safe? What about side-effects? Answer the good man's question, doc. What's answer? I didn't think so. She was in a big hurry to shut that question down ASAP, so the only other thing she said was "It's 'overwhelmingly' safe." If you say so, Doc. 

Here's her reaction to another similar question about potential side-effects. "WHOOOOOAAAAHHH" she said. Again, video or not, is this how a doctor should respond to a question about a medicine? Are you getting a whiff of the bullshit yet? Dear God, I hope so.

 So if I ask a doctor, who if anything should know about side-effects, and she throws her hands up in the air with a "He's stupid" face, and says "Whoa?" I'm pretty sure I'd be looking for a new doctor. A doctor mocking a very legit question, video or not...she's a tool. Wake up. 

 Sadly this kind of thing is very effective, even in otherwise-intelligent people. Add in a generous helping of fear, and it becomes even more effective. It creates an emotional response, which overrides a logical response, which should be "Why isn't she answering their questions?" It literally takes us back subconsciously to second grade and being on the playground, where some bully is telling someone they're stupid, because they say so, if they have a different view. It makes us revert to the Lizard-Brain.

 They know they have nothing logical to argue with, so they can only hurl insults. Dr. Lisa here is making the exact same faces the playground bully would make, and yes, this propaganda and mockery is absolutely a form of bullying, not to mention potentially harmful. Again, she didn't really answer one single question, except to say that it's perfectly okay because they got rid of the paperwork. Yet again, should a medical doctor, aka a real doctor, behave like this under any circumstances? I hope these people see the video, and how they were mocked. I wouldn't even let Dr. Lisa give me a free sucker. 

 I've been wanting to get some screen-capture software, and this video may be the final push to make me spend the money. I'd love to snag the bits where she's reacting...moving her arms around and slapping her head and making second-grader faces and laughing and saying "WHOOOOOAAAHHH." I'd string it together and loop it into a sort of dance, and put a soundtrack to it. I could put it on YouTube, without the sound, and offer people a prize if they could guess what subject she was talking about. My guess would be that she was listening to fart jokes maybe, but never in a million years a serious medical topic. I may have to do it. Humor is a great way to not only spread propaganda, but to spread facts too. 

 So to recap...this is an MD, in a YouTube video, "reacting" to very serious questions about medical issues. Exaggerated or not, she's responding to people's concerns with mockery and funny faces, and stopping just short of calling them stupid. She didn't answer a single question, except to say that they rushed it through and bypassed the normal channels, which, no matter how quickly we thought we needed it, has NOTHING to do with safety and effectiveness, but that's how they roll when they try to "debunk" something they can't. They resort to second-grade tactics, and say nothing. It's inexcusable. Can you not see it? 




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