Saturday, February 26, 2022

There's More than One Kind of Clam in the Ocean/Extinct Genre of Jokes (WARNING: Crude and Offensive Content)

Oh my. I was checking the source of the image in the "AI lol" post I just did, and doing further "research." I was perusing a site called "Beautiful Natural Breasts" or something like that, and I ran across this arresting image. Here's a gal who obviously doesn't worry about razor-burn. 

 For the record, I'm old-school, but I still like to see at least a touch of hair down there, as opposed to totally-shaved, and I prefer the look of...say, a botanical garden, rather than an overgrown shrub in front of a haunted house or whatever, but to each their own. 

 Seeing any hair at all down yonder took me back to the days before the vast majority of women started shaving, and trying to look prepubescent. This sister's lettin' it all hang out. It reminded me of a genre of jokes that has gone the way of the dinosaur,,,referring to the female part that once had a little hair growing on it. 

 Jokes about "Fur Pie" and my favorite, "Bearded Clam" and the like no longer apply. No one would know what you were talking about. "Bearded Clam" was once a perfect, if crude, description. This is obviously not a vintage photo, so apparently she's one of those "natural" women. I's not a deal-breaker at all, and as long as I'm being crude, I doubt I'd kick her out of bed for eating crackers. That joke's almost extinct too. 

 I guess if it were back in the day, before everybody shaved, and I had to make a joke about this photo, I'd say that there are two kinds of clams in the ocean. Ha-ha, right? That would be the regular clam (Clammus vulgaris), and the Bearded Clam (Clammus vulvaris). It's not funny any more though. Drag.

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