Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Cool Coincidences #974,993,920,362: Lisa and the Cars

An old girlfriend named Lisa popped into my head night before last. She was and still is amazing. When we dated I was maybe 22, and she was a year or so younger. We were crazy about each other. She was almost shockingly-beautiful, inside and out, and she was a ballerina.

 Long story short, she was offered a gig as Prima Ballerina at the NY Ballet Company, no audition, at an age of two years younger than anyone else in their history. It was literally the opportunity of a lifetime for her, but incredibly she decided to stay here in town and remain with the Alabama Ballet, just to be with my sorry ass. Of course I couldn't let that happen, and so reluctantly, very reluctantly, I broke-up with her. 

 I knew she wouldn't take it well, and she didn't, but I hoped one day she'd understand. I told her why, but it still broke her heart. I felt like the biggest asshole who ever lived, plus I really loved her, but what could I do? I couldn't stand in the way of something like that, and thank God she went to NY. 

This photo is a few years old, but she looks the same. She was a lot prettier than I was, but still people said we made an attractive couple. When I met her she lived about three blocks away, which was convenient. I was gigging in a motel lounge, and I'd go pick her up and then take her back home, and hang out.

I've sometimes wondered if things might come full-circle one day, and we'd find ourselves single, and bump into each other somewhere, but I don't see that happening. She never forgave me for breaking-up with her, and although I keep in touch with her sister, she's barely spoken to me since.

 When we were going out, her favorite song was Drive by the Cars. It was sung by bassist Ben Orr. The hook of the tune was "Who's gonna drive you home tonight?" On first listen it sounded like a tender love ballad, which is why Lisa liked it I guess, but of course there was some darker shit beneath the surface, sort of like Every Breath You Take by the Police.

 I absolutely loved the Cars, and I loved the song. If we'd had an "our song," that would've been it. So the other night she popped into my head, followed shortly by the song Drive. It's hard to think about her without thinking about that song. I'd been listening to a rebroadcast of one of Art Bell's radio shows (Coast-to-Coast AM) on YouTube. I'd paused it to go do something, and when I got finished. Lisa popped into my head, so I sat and thought about her for a minute. 

 As usual, our relationship sort of flashed before my eyes. I thought about how amazing it was being with her, and what might've been had she not had that choice to make, which essentially I made for her. For years I'd hoped that she might realize why I did what I did, and at least forgive me, but it didn't happen. C'est la vie. 

 I let out a sigh, and clicked back onto the video, with the Cars' tune playing in my head. Oh well, back to Art Bell. The video started playing just as a commercial was coming up, and they played a bumper-music song. It was...that's right, you guessed it...Drive. I had to grin. Sometimes I think the Universe has a sense of humor. Cheers Lisa, and Happy Trails, from the one who used to drive you home. THIS HAS BEEN A COINCIDENCE. 

Drive by the Cars (official music video):



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